how to place & route in CADENCE?

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Thank you so much for the reference.. are there any other reference?

And for place and route interview.. what kind of question do u expect?

Hi ! i am working to reduce pasasitic effects in a chip!
How can cadence help me in realising a circuit to make calculations?

do somebody have for same in mentor graphics tools

Hope this shall be helpful for u.

This link will be very helpful.

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vdevan77 said:
if needed i can upload the training material of SE here


Hi vdevan77. Can you please upload that training material? It would be really helpful for the one wishing to make a further step into SE.

thanks for everyone above

i want to download those useful materials, but i have no enough points to do that!!!!

Just want to add that if you are using an old process, the design kit may not work with SE; instead, try silicon ensemble.

place the design based on the flylines and route the design based on the congestion see the congestion report and then place the routing bloackage if req

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go to this link for flash tutorials of encounter soc

to place and route in cadence u need to use soc encounter ,invoke the tool then u get gui then give ur configuration file as input to soc then specify floorplan and write some scripts to place n route

Hi All,

The Allics technology company offers Place & Route Service. Please check it out.

**broken link removed** .


Thanks very useful!

Added after 14 minutes:

The lastest user guide.

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