Why are there 2 or more decoupling caps not one big?

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Apr 20, 2006
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who can tell me why there are 2 or more decoupling cap not a big one instead ? Can several caps work better than one?

Re: question about emc

dechenxu said:
who can tell me why there are 2 or more decoupling cap not a big one instead ? Can several caps work better than one?
if u r talking about coupling caps for vcc and ground for any IC from outside this because every cap of them work for a certain freq range and to have good vcc noise reduction u want to make isolation in a large freq band
i will attach a slide from Dr. Khaled Sharaf lectures in AIN SHAMS UNI. describe this effect

question about emc

thank u!but int the paper"effectiveness of multiple decoupling capcitors" the author had done some expriments and simulations and he said the multiple caps don't work better than only one

Re: question about emc

dechenxu said:
thank u!but int the paper"effectiveness of multiple decoupling capcitors" the author had done some expriments and simulations and he said the multiple caps don't work better than only one
i do not know about the paper u talk about but using a multible of caps is very famous u can open ur computer case and watch what is arround ur processor on the motherboard
but i think the paper talk about if there is an ideal cap with no self resonanse only one is enough i m not sure from that but only i m sure from the multiple caps

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