What language/software is used for programmable controllers?

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Newbie level 5
Jul 19, 2004
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programable controller

hi there. one more problem going on here. i thought about some controllers but none of them was my taste. i think buying a programable controller (some with flash memory) and i will write some code programm and burn it into the chip. anyone knows what language is used for programming them? or what programm ? or what kindda port shall i use for programming it? or some types of programable controlelrs? please...


Re: programable controller


How about using a big FPGA and make your own controller? If you are a "dady coder" you can do that... If not, forget it

Cheers !

Re: programable controller

DAMM :? those things are expensive...... :? :? :? :? :?

sorry man but my parents are teachers in romania... don't have enough money.....

10x anyway

Re: programable controller

It depends on your app. You can use uC from Atmel or Microchip. They are really inexpensive and easy to find at any distribuitor in Romania. Code can be written in asm or in C, you can find free compilers/assemblers on the net for both families.


programable controller

Usually assembly language is used to program a controller. You should know the instruction set. If you dont like assembly, you can also use C language (kiel c). I think the easiest to learn are the controllers of intel 8051 family. There are many micro-controllers that are compatible to the intel 8051 like microcontrollers of atmel, DS and some controllers of philips. If your taste doesnt match with 8051, then you can go toward PIC controllers, PIC controllers are faster because of RISC architecture but i think they are difficult than intel...

Re: programable controller

If you are a "dady coder" you can do that... If not, forget it

:lol: thats a nice one, dady coder :lol:

i would suggest that u start out with PIC microcontrollers. PIC microcontrollers are RISC architechture microcontrollers so infact they are easier to work with as compared to CISC microcontrollers like the 8051.

go to http://www.winpicprog.co.uk there are great PIC tutorials there. there is also a programmer on that site.

u could also start with the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers. but i havent worked with them so i cant say anything about them. its just a matter of choice

Re: programable controller

What is your application ?
Learn asm programming on PICs is very easy :wink:

Re: programable controller

What doyou want to ? exactly ! I am from Romania too ! And I work in electronics from many years ! Send me an email.

Don Mario

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