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My main problem Is the loss occurring in the totem pole pre-driver area,Which is running with a transistor connected to a resistance causing to trigger the drive ,So I want a good and efficient pre-drive for that purpose.
You haven't answered to my question, what is wrong with https://www.edaboard.com/threads/214299/#post909303 (as a topology, the values can change)?
You can use it to drive the totem pole very efficiently.
Yeah the topology is right and effictive,But the boot straped capacitor is loosing power as i hook up the mosfet gate drive to it,And when the gated drive is pushed downword to make the mosfet in off stated then the voltage level falls to 9.47v(actual boot strapped voltage is 19.4vdc)
Frequency is about ----30khz.
The simulation was fine for the circuit as it was https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/34_1307328587.jpg
I have used 20K for the pump (50%) and 20Khz for the input without any problem and the pump voltage ripple was very low.
Have you uses a proper low ESR capacitor?
The diode is 1N5818?
Are you sure that the circuit connections are correct?
What frequency is 30KHz, the pump or mosfets?
P.S. I think it would be best if I merge this thread with the other one , I don't see the point of having this discussion is two different threads, I will leave it separate for a while longer but I don't see the point.
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