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Virus PC infected

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Feb 18, 2013
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My friend PC had infected by a virus. He told me her sister send a files using her iphone to his gmail account when he downloaded and opened the file the worm spread through the USB's that was pluged in his Laptop all the files was converted to Shortcuts. the strange thing is the computer seems not infected because the files in the laptop didn't change until he scanned and it detects 1000+ of worms.

someone said that iphone and mac don't get virus is that true? and how to get rid all of the virus in
my friend computer? MSE is not a strong antivirus

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An internet search on 'files changed to shortcuts' turned up several hits.

The link below might help.

"Files on my flash drives changed to shortcuts"


someone said that iphone and mac don't get virus is that true?

Mac OS X is designed so that a computer activity can only be done if the user is recognized as having permission.

Users can be given permission to do some things and not do others.

This makes it very difficult to create a virus that can penetrate Mac OSX.

Furthermore there are fewer Macs than PC's.

So virus-writers find they have more success attacking PC's instead of Macs.


and how to get rid all of the virus in
my friend computer?

Besides MSE there are several anti-virus programs. It may be necessary to use two or more on your computer.

Make sure the program has favorable reviews, and that you download it from the official website.

The only way to be sure a computer is clean of any virus, is to transfer you valuable data, re-format the drive and re-install everything.
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Also note that some viruses (virii?) can be carried on a machine without infecting it. For example a Windows virus embedded in an attachement may do nothing on a Mac or Linux but if one of them forwards it to a PC the virus may again strike.


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