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Transfer PCB layout from paper to board?

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transfer pcb

Please, i would like to know, what is the best way to transfer PCB layout from paper to board, i have not a PCB plotter because i´m an hobbyst, and i would like to transfer my layouts with an good result and not expensive.
Thanks in Advance.

There appear to be several options with varrious trade-off. see
**broken link removed** for a good discussion of the main approaches. There are many other pages that go into some detail and help in applying the different approaches. See **broken link removed** for example. My personal experience with the "blue stuff" and the coated photo paper lead me to make the comments. 1.The design needs to be done or modified for this technique. 2. The results are dependaent on your technique-- you will need to practice 3. The old Protestant addage that Cleanness is next to Goodness-- applies. Hopes that this helps.

The -BEST- way would be to send your artwork out to
a professional PCB house. If you want to try to do it
yourself, I'd suggest using the photo method. Print out
your artwork onto a transparency (or if you don't have
a printer, copy the paper version onto a transparency
in a copier). Lay this transparency down on top of a
presensitized PCB and expose the board. Develop board.
Then etch in either Ferric Chloride (messy) or Sodium/
Ammonium Perchlorate. Drill and solder. If you are starting
out, I'd suggest buying a complete kit instead of trying to
save a few pennies by putting a system together. You might
spend a little more money, but you'll save your sanity. :)

Nick C.



I agree with Nick C, and if you like you can print on ordinary copy paper (100g/cm sq is best). It depends on the resolution you need and you need to increase the tima a lot. If you have 2-3 min with transp. then you need 13 min with ordinary paper. Sometimes it is easier to obtain and print on copy paper, give it a try the "black" will sometimes get darker with ordinary paper.

Now when I am writing here anyway can anyone give me a tip of a easy and cheap method to do these through plating holes.

thats a so easy way to make pcb at home
see that site


i do it with my self

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