salaries for embedded engineer

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european engineer salary

How many month you'll get paid a year? 12 or 13?
Regards, ep20k.

it salaries in europe

There are only 12 months in an year. What is this 13 months thing? One thing is that I would continue to get my Indian salary as well which is about 21000 US$/annum at PPP.

salaries imec

In Germany (also some other European countries) is (was nowadays) it common to get the '13th monthly salary'. It includes money to go for vacation and to buy gifts for x-mas.
But if you also get 21000 US$/annum extra take the job.
Regards, ep20k.

PS: What's the job about?

engeneer sweden per hour salary in europe 2009

I'm looking for a job in UK..issit possible for me to get one as I'm from Malaysia. Can anyone has any contact for employers who actually wanna hire foreign employees? I'm an Electrical & Electronics degree fresh graduate.



fresher salary denmark

hi every1,

i have just graduated as engineer and i am looking for a job since. The salary for beginners is about 30-35 k€ as i have expierienced.

I am always astonished about comparisons between different countries. Romanian engineers are supposed to get 300€/month, but how is this calculated? It seems to me that u can afford nearly the same things with 300€ in romania as someone in germany with 3000€/month.

In denmark u are paid for studying? I think you have to pay back this money? In Germany you can get your studying financed by the state as well, but u have to pay back the money when u work.



average salary it engineer europe

keks where are you living ?

sweden per hour salary in europe 2009

Man, man, man...
I'm a young graduate from Romania. I think that says much. I work as a development engineer in the field of electronics. I get around 250 Euros in hand. And I work at a big german company that come here.
The problem is that the germans moved many of it's development centers in Hungary first and now in Romania, because of the smaller salaries.

It is very difficult to convince them to pay you a bigger salary. Here there is a serious offer of high qualified workforce and the company has the posibility to chooose from.

I hope that joining the E.U. will change things for us. Or we shall emigrate. You cannot do much with 250 E.

Best regards.

how much is a 21 salary in belgium?

joining the EU for Hungary has meant people shipping development there and also people because the salaries are cheaper and also the product will be cheaper.

globalization and the EU means using weaker countries to do the cheap labor jobs while the richer countries get higher salaries.

hope it doesn't stay like that..

swiss european salaries

Romania indeed has lower salaries. I know that because I have friends who are engineers that live there. The problem with Romania is that only few foreign companies, like Siemens (where Relletzu is working) opened there offices and that's it. There is a high quality workforce in Romania but no chances to gain experience because the high-tech industry in this country almost doesn't exist. Furthermore (and that's the sad part) Romania doesn't allow to foreign employees to work there, there is an intolerable bureaucracy and corruption that keeps companies from coming. I know that because I tried to get a work permit for a company in Romania (Even if the salary there is lower than the salary in my homeland) and yes I am sane. This company deals with a field that I want to gain experience in, and I prefer to earn a lower salary and gain this valuable experience. Yet the company is unable to get a work permit for me! And they will have to spend a lot of time to train a Romanian engineer, instead of bringing someone from abroad that will get dive the work very quickly and will be able to train other employees in the company. Romania simply cuts the opportunities for development of the high-tech industry, that is a big shame!!!

designer salary in europe

The salary is always related to where you live. The best place to work wrt. payment is the US.

thw highest salary in europe

DonJ do you live in USA ?


What are German salaries like ?

Does it vary by city/region ?

say munich?

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I'd also like to know about the city wise status in Germany. The 3850Euros/m I talked about are in Hamburg. What kinda city is it? Expensive or moderate?



doctors wages in europe

The base salary at Infineon for Munich is EU4275/month for a graduate engineer with an MS degree.

europe salaries comparison

Are the numbers that you guys are quoting before
or after income taxes. If before, can you please
give the number after taxes are paid.

salaries across europe

i assume all reported salaries are before tax, that is what they quote you !

maximum monthly salaries europe

Those salaries are quite low for german cost of living if they are pre-tax...

advertising salaries in europe

guys all salaries are pre-tax unless noted...taxes differ from country to country...

Best to live in -- US, low(er) taxes although damn basta*ds they get you for social security, medicare, and other crap...

Worst to live in -- I don't know, nordic countries? Low salaries, flat 50% tax, high costs for everything!!!

research engineer salary europe

hi... if someone get a scholarship of 975 euro/month, is it very low fr Brlin?

salary infineon

no, it's ok...if you can get student housing, it will run about 300 euro/month, and there's no tuition so it will be ok.

If no student housing then apartments are upwards to 1K/month

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