Problem with installing NCSU kit 1.5.1 on IC610

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what is mmsim

mariaR said:
yes, you can
mariaR, how is this possible? I thought NCSU CDK is in CDB and IC610 uses OpenAccess. I don't understand how IC610 will be able to read the older CDB format.

how to install mmsim in ic610

mariaR and sylvacocrk,

I installed MMSIM6 but it did not help at all for NCSU kit. It was still no transistor size everytime I compiled the library.
Can you help?


Re: server ic 610

Anyone see the problem "Bad window" or "invaid window parameter" when run IC610 on CentOS5? Anyone know how to fix that?


**broken link removed**

Add the following section to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Disable"

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