PIC Volt & Amp Meterattin6

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16f677 voltmeter

Opps! try this one i zipped up the wrong one

good luck wizpiz

pic volt-amper

Thanks for the help Jaspaa... Some of the math routines on piclist works and some dont work.... also when you multiply a 16 bit number you end up with a 32 bit result... I guess that would work but I would need to use a 32 bit binary to bcd converter routine.... so, maybe I'll give that a try.... I was trying to multiply to a 32 bit result and then dividing it back down to a 16 bit but I had no luck.... I'll keep on trying and see what I get....

WizPic, Thanks for the hex.... It looks like I will need to use a xtal and pull mclr high....Ill give it a try asap and let you know!!! THANKS!!!!!

ampere meter pic

Hey Jaspaa, youre idea makes since but how would I figure the resistor value for the voltage divider for a factor of 6 like yore example???

how to read a amp meter

Google is your friend Check this page:


The Resistive one is the easiest and probably for your design the best. Don't choose your resistors too large or too small.

for a factor of 6 you could simply go for R2 = 10K and and R1 is 50K (R1 and R2 based on the numbering scheme from the link above)


lcd volt-amp meter pic

has anybody implemented Ampere meter using hall effect sensors?

asm code window

yousafzai said:
has anybody implemented Ampere meter using hall effect sensors?

yes i did it with ugn 3505


pic amp

chevymn1964 hows it going did you sort it out in the end, lets us know how far you got

I've moved onto the MAX7219 now and have done a volt meter using it, it was easier than i first thought

PSU set at 27.68 and my display reads 27.67

good luck


4 digits voltage/ampere meters

Hi Wizpic
which EPE had the voltmeter in it I must have missed it

converting adresh to bcd pic16f voltmeter

It was not in EPE sorry to say it's my own design



pic volt amper meter

Hey WizPic, Its been going really good... I have it displaying voltage within 1mv and displaying current using a max4080 with a shunt... I have also upgraded to a 24 x 2 LCD and just got done making a PCB.... Now Im working on the rest of the code for displaying min/max current readings and sound an alarm when max set current is reached.... Thanks again for all the help!!!!!!!

voltmeter virch pic

chevymn1964 no worries glad to be of any help it has aslo been fun in the proccess in doing it
I've started to ASM now so it give me a boot up the back side

just glad to ear you got it working teh way you wanted it to good luck and happy new to yo and every one that reads it


a picture of the actual current meter

wizpic said:
I have designed and built my own using a PIC18F4520 runnig at 20Mhz ans it's for 4 chanels 2 x volts 0-50V and 0-10A 0.02mv +/- readings


0.02mV in your dreams maybe...

metering amper with pic

Melc that was a type o error it shoudl have been 1Mv i must have but to many 0's in but well spotted no body else did

+/- 1MV is good enough for me i think i can live with that but it would be nice to get +/- 0.02mv but like you day may be in your dreams


Re: ampmeter pic

Please what's the HEX why circuit.


Re: pic volt meter

can u convert it 16f676 in plcae of PIC18F4520. i hope u do it.
pl proved it.

Re: pic volt meter

Yes it can be done this but this is over 2 years old , I would have to go theough the posts and down load the files to refresh my memory, give me a few days to sort it out

Re: pic volt meter

thanks for ur repply.if u proved it asm file & ckt.diagram also.we also try it.i have need it.

thanks for ur repply.if u proved it asm file & ckt.diagram also.we also try it.i have need it.

I use PDS and dont't think the asm will be any good to you

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