[SOLVED] Photo led and Photo Detector of Specific responsive Frequency

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Unless I miss my guess, that is exactly what you want.

The display has the caption '<10Hz'. This suggests the pulses are in the range of normal heart rate.

The pulses are pretty much consistent, with slight variations of amplitude and spacing.

A few small jittery signals get amplified, but most of the signal appears to be heartbeats.

First of all, Mohammed, I want to congratulate you for your dedication and persistence in making your project to work.

Learning electronics, like most technical challenges is like Thomas Edison would say: "1% inspiration, 99% perspiration".

With very few exceptions, a new idea will never work flawlessly the first time.
Most likely as you already have found out, there will be a series of technical challenges that have to be solved with thought and effort, and yes, with money also.

@BradtheRad , @schmitt trigger thanks you for all the support, and a great success speech for me :wink:. i will keeep your word in my mind @schmitt trigger.

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