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I am a student in digital electronic and, for a part of my master thesis, I have designed a synthesizable N to M address encoder (sources below) in SystemVerilog. The simulation is correct and I am going to test it on FPGA.
Before that, I have done some researches on the web to find a typical solution to solve this problem, but i haven't found any pertinent solutions.
So, I am looking for feedback about this design.
My design have a lot of additional registers and the combinational circuit has a stairs structure because i need to manage the N (address_in) and the M (address_out) parameters. So i guess, it's possible to improve that.
I have published my code and the testbench on Github at this address : https://github.com/marxys/address_encoder.
Can someone give me a feedback and some advices about improvements possibilities ?
Thank you for considering my request,
I am a student in digital electronic and, for a part of my master thesis, I have designed a synthesizable N to M address encoder (sources below) in SystemVerilog. The simulation is correct and I am going to test it on FPGA.
Before that, I have done some researches on the web to find a typical solution to solve this problem, but i haven't found any pertinent solutions.
So, I am looking for feedback about this design.
My design have a lot of additional registers and the combinational circuit has a stairs structure because i need to manage the N (address_in) and the M (address_out) parameters. So i guess, it's possible to improve that.
I have published my code and the testbench on Github at this address : https://github.com/marxys/address_encoder.
Can someone give me a feedback and some advices about improvements possibilities ?
Thank you for considering my request,
Code Verilog - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 // // Author : Martin Donies // // // GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE // Version 2, June 1991 // // Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., <http://fsf.org/> // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies // of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. // ## PARAMETERS ## // // input_width : the size of the global address // output_width : the size of the local address and obviously 2^output_width = length of the associative array // // ## INPUT/OUTPUT ## // // we : write enable to add the addr_in on the associative array and get an associated local address // clear : remove the given addr_out from the associative array. // addr_in : global address given to get the local address or the encoded address // addr_out : the local or the encoded address. valid only if ~not_selected & ~address_conflict == 1; // not_selected : signal to know if addr_in is not found // address_conflict : signal to know if addr_in is found more than once // free_space : signal to know if it's possible to store a new address on the associative array // module address_mem_encoder #( parameter int unsigned output_width = 3, parameter int unsigned input_width = 16 )( input logic clock, reset, we, clear, input logic [input_width-1:0] addr_in, output logic [output_width-1:0] addr_out, output logic not_selected, address_conflict, free_space ); // ## Combinational search ## // // sel : indicate if the address is stored on position i // sel_vector : propagate sel from 0 to output_width // conflict_vector : detect if more than one sel (if |conflict_vector == 1) -> there is a conflict // used_vector : determine used registers to know if we have to compare addr_in with the stored address // addr_out_comb : propagade the founded address from [0] -> [2^output_width] // task_lookup_reg : registers to store all global addresses. // // ## Sequencial write ## // // init : indicate initialization phase. This phase use 2^output_width cycles. // pos_vector : contain all free register, it's a fifo register // pos : address of the first empty slot // start_ptr : pointer to the first element in the fifo register pos_vector // end_ptr : pointer to the last element +1 in the fifo register pos_vector // pos_start_ptr : // pos_end_ptr : like start_ptr and end_ptr with the overflow bit to keep start_ptr < end_ptr // logic init, end_init; logic [output_width-1:0] pos, start_ptr, end_ptr; logic [output_width-1:0] pos_vector[2**output_width-1:0]; logic [output_width:0] pos_start_ptr, pos_end_ptr; wire [2**output_width-1:0] sel_vector; wire [2**output_width-2:0] conflict_vector, sel; logic [2**output_width-1:0] used_vector; wire [2**output_width-1:0] addr_out_comb[2**output_width-1:0]; logic [input_width-1:0] task_lookup_reg[2**output_width-1:0]; assign start_ptr = pos_start_ptr[output_width-1:0]; assign end_ptr = pos_end_ptr[output_width-1:0]; assign pos = pos_vector[start_ptr]; assign end_init = &end_ptr; // reset overflow bit of pos_start_ptr and pos_end_ptr when start_ptr return to the position 0 always_ff @(negedge clock) if(pos_start_ptr[output_width] & pos_end_ptr[output_width]) begin pos_start_ptr[output_width] <= 1'd0; pos_end_ptr[output_width] <= 1'd0; end always_ff @(negedge clock) if (reset) begin used_vector <= 1'd0; init <= 1'd1; pos_start_ptr <= {output_width{1'd0}}; pos_end_ptr <= {output_width{1'd0}}; end // store a global address to the first free position if free_space and not init else if (we & free_space & ~init) begin used_vector[pos] <= 1'd1; task_lookup_reg[pos] <= addr_in; pos_start_ptr <= pos_start_ptr + 1'd1; end // clear a global address else if (clear & ~init) begin used_vector[addr_out] <= 1'd0; task_lookup_reg[addr_out] <= {input_width{1'd0}}; pos_vector[end_ptr] <= addr_out; pos_end_ptr <= pos_end_ptr + 1'd1; end // write all local address to the pos_vector else if (init) begin init <= ~end_init; pos_vector[end_ptr] <= pos_end_ptr[output_width-1:0]; pos_end_ptr <= pos_end_ptr + 1'd1; task_lookup_reg[end_ptr] <= {input_width{1'd0}}; end // search the given global address throw the registers assign sel_vector[0] = used_vector[0] & (addr_in == task_lookup_reg[0]); assign addr_out_comb[0] = {output_width{1'd0}}; genvar i; generate for(i=0; i < 2**output_width-1; i=i+1) begin assign sel[i] = used_vector[i+1] && (addr_in == task_lookup_reg[i+1]); assign sel_vector[i+1] = sel[i] | sel_vector[i]; assign addr_out_comb[i+1] = addr_out_comb[i] | (sel[i] ? i+1 : {output_width{1'd0}}); assign conflict_vector[i] = sel_vector[i] & sel[i]; end endgenerate assign addr_out = addr_out_comb[2**output_width-1]; assign not_selected = ~|sel_vector; assign address_conflict = |conflict_vector; assign free_space = ~&used_vector; endmodule
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