Looking for a Primetime report with memory use, CPU performance and speed

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Junior Member level 2
Apr 22, 2011
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i hope ur doing well.
can i have a report in primetime that show me a statistic use of memory, CPU performance, speed.....

thank's a lot.

Re: primetime memory use

not sure what statistic use you are referring to is, but top command can show memroy use all the time.

Re: primetime memory use

beh i m looking for a report generated by primetime that show the size of memory used during simulation for example, the performance of CPU (if it s used for example in 100% or not), everything that can be reported about the materiel ressources used by primetime.

Re: primetime memory use

hi manajel1

I am not sure which version of Primetime are you using, but in the latest version (right now in the releasing process) . synopsys introduced such a feature. May be that will help you. But in the mean time you can check the logfile of the Primetime output. There you can find out the details.

Re: primetime memory use

hi birdy123,
the version i use for primetime is e-2010 also i checked out the log file but there are nothing about memory, cpu.....
any help plz

Re: primetime memory use

any idea please

Re: primetime memory use

Hi Manajel1...

First of all I am sorry for late message. Some how I have missed your last message.

I am not sure the way you are calling PT .. but I can see in my log file something like this..
Timing updates: 1 (0 implicit, 1 explicit) (0 incremental, 1 full)
Noise updates: 0 (0 implicit, 0 explicit) (0 incremental, 0 full)
Maximum memory usage for this session: 671.53 MB
CPU usage for this session: 836 seconds
Elapsed time for this session: 872 seconds
Diagnostics summary: 1 warning, 30 informationals

Thank you for using pt_shell!

Just check you log file once again. nad let me know if you face problem .. then I will try to find out the command in the PT shell because I guess there is a command exist for checking this information.

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