Ideas for adding functionality to ASIC project

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Newbie level 5
Nov 2, 2007
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I am relatively new to ASIC. I am implementing a video clamp using an ASIC. It basically clamps a composite video signal(8 bit) to the black level. I wanted to add some more functionality to the ASIC. Can anyone suggest some functionality that I might add?(I am inputting digital NTSC/PAL signals to my ASIC, by the way). I have also considered implementing a VGA interface, however, that takes in analog video signals as inputs.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Re: asic project idea

programmability and debugging facility.

Re: asic project idea

I m not sure I follow

asic project idea

check about opencore, many example to start with.

asic project idea

Depends on your objective.
If you intend to go into ASIC, the area of peoject doesn't matter.

If you intend to go into digital design, why not pick up FPGA! It's much easier to learn and a mistake is less costly.

Re: asic project idea

for what purpose, commercial or university

Re: asic project idea

Its for university purposes only. Will it make sense to separate out the RGB components of the video signal? Is it possible to isolate RGB from a video signal using an ASIC?

Pls do reply as soon as you can.

asic project idea

Yes you can. ASIC is a very broad concept. It's full name is application specific integrated circuit.

As I said, FPGA is cheaper and whenever you tough ASIC, you committed hundreds of thousands of US$ already and more than one years of time. FPGA to do the same job costs less than 1K and you get it work in a week.

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