How to estimate the soc chip power consumption?

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Newbie level 6
Jan 7, 2006
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How to estimate the soc chip power consumption in order to decide how many power pad are needed before floorplan. Thanks!

PrimePower may be one of your choices?

For soc chip power calculations one procedure is that use any power tool (ex: prime power) for calculation of power OR theritical method as follows. vendor will supply the power values for the MACROs , for memory macros we have comupte the power by using the following formula power P= (((read current +write current)/2 )*voltage *frequency, and coming for standard cells take equaualent nand gate power multiply with gate count then u can get the standard cell power. Finally by adding all these powers u can get avarage power value.

Power is a dynamic issue. Differnt pieces of code will consume different power.

Power is divided into leakage and activity. Leakage is pretty much constant but the activity varies with what you do.

A Typical good way to measure it, is to run simulations of a typical code behaviour and capture a "saif" file.

You can then feed this into PrimePower and get an estimate on Power Consumption

PowerTheater is a better choice to estimate the RTL power analysis.

it's not matter of eda tools, it depend on IPs you r using, so mostly the power data provided by vendor is crutial

U can use Prime Power to estimate power consumption.

besides EDA tools, there r some ways else to estimate the chip power consumption. In my project, we use VCD file from simulation to estimate power comsumption

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