generic multiplexer with input vector

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Newbie level 6
Jan 22, 2008
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I want to design the next multiplexer. A truly generate mux where n represents the number of bits of the selection input (sel), while n indicates the number of bits per input. the circuit has 2^n inputs.

How can i solve this problem using generic function

thanks for your answers

check how i did it :
i also made a demux in similar way and both worked fine :

-- a. First I Will Generate The Muxess -- M = SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS-1
-- b. i will Connect the inputs to first muxes -- M = SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS/2
-- c. i will Connect all muxes inputs a,b to Previous outputs
-- d. output is the last mux product.
-- a. generate the muxes
L_idx : for i in 0 to SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS - 2 generate
Mux(i) <= MUX_a(i) when MUX_SELECTOR_en(i) = '1' else Mux_b(i);
end generate L_idx;
-- b. generate the input connections to input stage muxes
Li_idx : for i in 0 to SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS / 2 - 1 generate
MUX_SELECTOR_en(i) <= mux_selector(0);
--Mux_a(i) <= mux_input_array(2*i);
--Mux_b(i) <= mux_input_array(2*i+1);
Mux_a(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS / 2 - 1 -i) <= mux_input_array(2*i+1);
Mux_b(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS / 2 - 1 -i) <= mux_input_array(2*i);
end generate Li_idx;
-- c. generate all the rest of muxes.
Lo_idx : for i in log2roundup(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS) - 2 downto 0 generate
lj_idx : for j in 0 to 2**i-1 generate
MUX_SELECTOR_en(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS - 2**(i+1)+j) <= mux_selector(log2roundup(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS)- 2 -i +1);
Mux_a(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS - 2**(i+1)+ j) <= Mux(2*j + SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS - 2**(i+2));
Mux_b(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS - 2**(i+1)+ j) <= Mux(2*j + 1 + SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS - 2**(i+2)) ;
end generate lj_idx;
end generate Lo_idx;
-- d. product send to output
mux_output <= Mux(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS - 2);

hy shawndaking thanks for your answer, but I think you didn't understand my question. I want to do a implemetation of mux with variable number of inputs but using the function generic but not with the function generated.

If you have somethink like that i'll appreciate your reply


the mux is generic in size and in width (i.e it can mux buses):

this is the instansiation of the code :

component mux_n_to_1
SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS : integer := 16;
SIZE_OF_BUS : integer := 32
port (
mux_input : in std_logic_vector(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS * SIZE_OF_BUS -1 downto 0);
mux_selector : in std_logic_vector(log2roundup(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS) - 1 downto 0);
mux_output : out std_logic_vector(SIZE_OF_BUS -1 downto 0)
end component;

m0: mux_n_to_1
generic map(
port map(
mux_input => reg_array, --: in std_logic_vector(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS * SIZE_OF_BUS -1 downto 0);
mux_selector => addr, --: in std_logic_vector(log2roundup(SIZE_OF_MUX_INPUTS) - 1 downto 0);
mux_output => dout --: out std_logic_vector(SIZE_OF_BUS -1 downto 0)

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