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[SOLVED] Design of Eight-channel Temperature

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Dec 6, 2012
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Mehran Valley
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Hello Seniors and Fellows,

I'm a fresh engineering student as well as a new comer here on EDAboard. I'm interested in Embedded Systems and Robotics. I want to design an Eight-channel Temperature using 8051 MCU. When I input my title in this new thread I got some similar threads but I think they are not enough for me. I'm writing my requirements here and my questions are very basic.

Q1. How to start this small project? I have to go through both hardware and software.
Q2. What I should focus and from which resources (books, etc.) I can get help?. I have my own course book having sufficient teaching of Assembly Programming
Q3. What do you think that how long this project should take? This question is for myself to measure my intelligence.

Design of Eight-channel Temperature
Measuring System based on 8051 MCU
Temperature range: 0-100
Minimum Resolution:0.5
LED display

Thank you and Kind Regards,
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1) Decide which sensors to use. You can use 8 LM35's (or similar sensors) which would require 8-channel ADC. You can use 8 DS18S20's (or similar sensors) which would require 1-wire communication. You can use SPI-based sensors or I2C-based sensors. It's up to you to decide what to use and to make sure that you know how you'll interface it to the microcontroller. If you don't know already, learn how to interface to the LED display.

2) Go through the datasheet and application notes, reference manuals, design tips, etc of the sensor(s) you're going to use. Go through examples found on the internet of sensor interfacing, LED interfacing, etc.

3) Starting from scratch, learning everything, writing the code, designing the circuit, making the PCB, testing the circuit and finalizing it could take between a day to a month, depending on what you already know and how much new stuff you need to learn. I would say that if you can make it within a week, you're good. :smile: Two weeks, not bad.

Hope this helps.

The previous sugestion on 1wire interface is the best call. after implement the base code u can deploy from 1 to 64 sensors in the same bus - factory ditigal calibrated sensors with up to 12 bit resolution. Also the ds18b20 has internal eeprom, so a smart code can use that extra bytes to save mcu memory.

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