Design Compiler Linux 64-bit (RHEL 3.0)

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Member level 1
May 17, 2001
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I have a >5M gate design, and I ran into memory problem while synthesizing on amd64, Linux 64-bit machine with 4GB RAM. It had exhausted all the available memory and also run into swap, and had ttaken very long time to synthesize. I had a feeling it was due to the Linux OS, anyone encounter the same problem as me?

I seriously feel one reason might be due to lack of RAM. seriously to implement a simple design with one million gate minimum is 1 Gb of RAM.. linux has its own swap space...

well seriously i think its better u upgrade the RAM and give it a shot..

ummm RHEL ver 4 is released the BETA version..

GUYS --> to some level these implementations are machine dependent.

agree with arunragavan, RAM is essential

>5M gate ? Can you break it down into: combination logic, RAM or RF, F.F or latch.

if hes gonu break it down.. umm i guess it wud be much difficult.. manual editing.. place and route..floorplannin..
i dun understand.. wots the use in breakin down into latches/ f.f ram.. etc?

u mean to say he wud be able to optimize it? that to 5M gates?

i guess it wud take a lifetime for manual optimization..

enlighten me

with regards,

Hi friends,

I think you can consider two solutions:
1- a short term solution: is what Mr. seanwu mentioned, but not in low level breaking down, i.e. flip-flops. I recommend you to break down or partiotion the design to 4 or 5 parts which can be synthesized without memory explosion.

2- a long term solution: you should upgrade your RAM and hopefully you can synthesize your design in a limited time.

I prefer the first solution, because the optimization will be done better than you have a large design.


my advise would be to partition the design into sizes of not less than 400k gates and then run DC.thats what the dc manual says in order to acheive better run times.


My synthesis was successful initially(on both 32-bit and 64-bit machine) when I used standard-cell to implement my small register file. Because I have 128 instances of that, I ran into power issue and convert them to compiled memory module, only then I ran into problem. I agreed , perhaps the lack of RAM is the root of the problem. I also feel that applications that run on 64-bit machine are memory hungry.

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