Can you detect more than 2 signal edges in sensitivity list?

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Advanced Member level 1
Mar 13, 2006
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verilog question

in the sensitivity list, is it possible to detect more than 2 signal edges ? say, if i want to have a 3 signal sensitivity list, such as posedge of a,b, and c, would it be possible?

Re: verilog question

sree205 said:
in the sensitivity list, is it possible to detect more than 2 signal edges ? say, if i want to have a 3 signal sensitivity list, such as posedge of a,b, and c, would it be possible?
You can do it in Verilog but not in Hardware - meaning you can't synthesize it. What are you trying to model?

Ajeetha, CVC

Re: verilog question

3 signal sensitivity lists are possible.. They are synthesizable in many cases.. eg. a clock, a reset and a start willl be or ed together and given the appropriate pin of a d ff.

Re: verilog question

sree205 said:
in the sensitivity list, is it possible to detect more than 2 signal edges ? say, if i want to have a 3 signal sensitivity list, such as posedge of a,b, and c, would it be possible?

Can u pls say the requirement of checking exactly the edges.

verilog question


Mostly this coding prctice is used in verification only.
We can do this thing in verilog but it is not synthesizable.


Re: verilog question

Typically, when you attempt detect 2 edges, the expected result is a flip-flop. With one signal to the clock and the other to the reset pin of the flip-flop. Thus, I think that if you want to detect 3 edges, it should be synthesizable under the condition that, you have a flip-flop with asynchronous reset and asynchronous set.

always @(posedge reset or posedge set or posedge clk) begin
if (reset)
A <= 0;
else if (set)
A <= 1;

Re: verilog question

Can be synthsis, be a D-Flipflop with Async set and clr. but should notice that mix posedge and negedge may lead to the result what you didn't want.

verilog question

i tried to come up with a synthesizable code which does this, but quartus rejected it, whereas ncverilog or verilog-xl had no problems. hence the query.

i'm hoping someone would prove that this is the case with other synthesizers too.

Re: verilog question

It is possible to sense 3 edges in the sensitivity edges in the sentivity list.
Eg :

always@(posedge clk or posedge reset or posedge set)

I used Leanordo Spectrum Synthesizer to sythesize a i was able to synthsize as i wanted.

Re: verilog question

If you use like this, it is synthesizeable :

always @(a or b or)

note : you have to define every inputs in the sensitivity list

Re: verilog question

oops. sees you're writing combinational circuit. Be cautious in level sensitive blocks.

Re: verilog question

it a bad design style,

you can use synchdronous design to replace this style.

best regards

sree205 said:
in the sensitivity list, is it possible to detect more than 2 signal edges ? say, if i want to have a 3 signal sensitivity list, such as posedge of a,b, and c, would it be possible?

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