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Can I estimate power of ASIC design using MATLAB?

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asic and MATLAB

What is your purpuse to estimate power in MATLAB? If you want to get algorithm power consumption, you can use algorithm model is fine. Personally, I think matlab give us good algorithm platform, but not good for hardware design. You can statis all multipler and adder in your algorithm model. And monitor the input changes, you can give a relative reference of the model. It is not a absolutive value for power. And it can give you a quick view of hardware resources.

Perl program is fine for statistic.

asic and MATLAB

matlab is a matrix laboratry used for process various algorithms,images,signals,datas etc..
it is like a sea a plz specify the purpose used here



Re: asic and MATLAB

I want to estimate power for a large range of bits. For example,
I want to estimate power for 100 until 500 bit multiplier,
with step 10.

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