Astro design question

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Member level 4
Mar 3, 2002
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astro lef2a

I used Astro for linux , and tried a demo IC design .

I have a foudry lib in lef format and the tech file.
For Astro work with it's own lib format, I have to generate a apollo lib
with the provided tool:

1. I used Astro create a library with the fondry's tech file, named "A"
2. lef2A -LIB A -LEF io.lef
3. lef2A -LIB A -LEF sc.lef
4. The "A" library created....
5. goto Astro, build my main library ...."B"
6. Verilogin->Add Ref

but when I re-open my main library "B",
Astro said that the ref library "A" has 4 metal layers and the "B" has 5
metal layers .
what's wrong?
The same tech file used to create both libraries.....

Any suggestion?


astro import .lef

How can I get technology file for Apollo/Astro ?

I have only Cadence .tf file.

Thank you!

lef def testcase

Hi gordon_wan2k,

You can get Apollo/Astro technology file from foundry company or IP vendor.

libax cade

Hi Margod,

Could you describe your problem more detail ?
Or,do you want to use another method to transform lef file to Apollo lib ?
I know one command 'auNLIApi".



chyau said:
Hi Margod,

Could you describe your problem more detail ?
Or,do you want to use another method to transform lef file to Apollo lib ?
I know one command 'auNLIApi".


Thanks for your advice.
But now I turned to Cadence's Encounter to complete my back-end work.
Thanks anyway.

Hi Marsgod,

DO you use SOC encounter?


cnz said:
Hi Margod,

DO you use SOC encounter?

yes, I use it for back-end design, together with nan0route

Does anyone have a complete way to translate cade?ce to As@ro designs?
I cannot transform properly database from Cade.. to Astr..
I used auLefIn (auNLIApi)...auDefIn (auNDIApi) but something doesn't work well: desings does not preserve connectivity, missing metals...
Any sugestions?

LEF/DEF should work, we did that before.
Try a small test case first, don't use any special chars. Sometimes tools choke on this.

Also take a good look at the DEF version,
make sure you got the correct one.

I try the following:
1. make lib from lef
- create LIB from tech file *.tf
- import LEF file into my LIB
2. import DEF file into LIB, in new cell TOP; my DEf file contains all floorplan and nets info

In *.log file I see:
"ERROR : Failed to connect pin instance X in CELL_1 to net N1.
#6005-libax.a (axNet.c:1204) Specified port instance not found.
...and so on for all nets described in DEF

Must I do some extra-operations after importing DEF (or before) ?


Hi xirix,

Do you confirm metal layer naming between lef file and technology file ?
I think you naming rule of lef file and technology file not match.

Best Regards,

Okay, my best guess.. you are import 2 LEF file. One of them (or may be both of them) does not contain a complete tech file.

The best way to do it is, create a apollo/astro tech file by using text editor witht he following header.

Technology {
name = ""
date = "Mar 22 2002"
dielectric = 3.45e-05
unitTimeName = "ns"
timePrecision = 1000
unitLengthName = "micron"
lengthPrecision = 1000
gridResolution = 50
unitPowerName = "nw"
powerPrecision = 1000
unitResistanceName = "kohm"
resistancePrecision = 100000000
unitCapacitanceName = "pf"
capacitancePrecision = 100000000
unitInductanceName = "nh"
inductancePrecision = 100
minBaselineTemperature = 25
nomBaselineTemperature = 25
maxBaselineTemperature = 25

After that, use Astro/Apollo to stream in the LEF file by appending this tech file.
After that, Dump this tech file by "library" -> "Dump Tech File"

By using this new tech file, load in the 2nd LEF to a new library follow by Dump the tech file again.

So, now the tech file you having now will have all the information from both LEF file.

Replace the tech file of both library by using this newest tech file.

Good luck!

Re: how can

gordon_wan2k said:
How can I get technology file for Apollo/Astro ?

I have only Cadence .tf file.

Thank you!

Export the cadence .tf file to a LEF file, and use Apollo/Astro to stream in the LEF file to a new library. After thatn, dump that library tech file and you will have your Apollo/Astro tech file.

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