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Question about wrappers in RTL code

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Newbie level 4
Oct 6, 2023
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When i saw an example rtl code the wrapper and the wrapped module is nothing but just connected ports without any function...
is there a purpose of using wrapper here?

in many cases we use wrappers just to facilitate connectivity. sometimes there is a certain hierarchy we have to adhere too. sometimes there is a port named clock on a hard IP that has to become clk on another hierarchy. all sorts of things like that can be solved with wrappers. it is normal that there is no logic.
in many cases we use wrappers just to facilitate connectivity. sometimes there is a certain hierarchy we have to adhere too. sometimes there is a port named clock on a hard IP that has to become clk on another hierarchy. all sorts of things like that can be solved with wrappers. it is normal that there is no logic.
So is it okay to understand it as below?
For example for people who want to connect several modules, the IP itself might be confusing when connecting those modules. So for just for convinience we make wrappers (no logic in it) and make it easier to integrate between several modules.

Did I understand it right?

Agree with thisisnotsam's response. Another case is when you need to do your own DFT for that IP. Most cases the IP will come with its own ports and documentation on how to test it, but if you need any additional testing or anything slightly more complicated on that front, you are free to add ports on the wrapper but it's tough to punch ports on third party IP.

When i saw an example rtl code the wrapper and the wrapped module is nothing but just connected ports without any function...
is there a purpose of using wrapper here?
Even though the wrapper itself might not have a specific function or do anything on its own, it plays an important role in organizing and connecting different parts of the code, just like a container or organizer would.

Even though the wrapper itself might not have a specific function or do anything on its own, it plays an important role in organizing and connecting different parts of the code, just like a container or organizer would.
If a wrapper does not do anything at all then obviously it is a waste of time.
If a wrapper changes HDL language or signal names or widths or sets generic values is not true wrapper (I rather call it top...)
My view is that it just reflects the non standardised or multi standard design methods across tools.

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