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[SOLVED] All Interview Questions - Open Thread - Please Contribute

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Nov 30, 2004
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8051 interview questions

Most of you must've already passed that interview stage and some others could be the Interviewers themselves. So, I thought this thread should be helpful to everyone and anyone who is not just attending an interview but wants to know more about Electronics.

The aim is simple:

If you've come across some question that you think is tricky, please post it here along with its solution by maintaining a number to it...

Just put the question in the quote tags like this
Question along with the solution comes here

Please contribute as even one question from you might change someone'e life out there...

microcontroller interview questions

here is one question " so, tell me about yourself"
when you hear this question on an interview, don't describe yourself and your skills rather describe how you are qualified to do the job.

everyone and anyone who is not just attending an interview but wants to know more about Electronics.

I don't see how you can know more about electronics by looking at interview questions:D


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8051 microcontroller interview questions

There lies the whole thing... Some interview questions seem so obvious that we often make mistakes in answering them... And when we come to know of the answer, we start thinking "Hmm..That was it?"

And by interview questions I meant "What is the major difference between conductors and semi conductors?" and not "What is your name?" questions alike... And so i think there's always something to learn from these tricky questions... What do you say?

cdma interview questions

in apower grid why are the high tension lines are proubs of three line and not four ???

because the lines are connected between two Δ transformeres

interview questions on 8051

some of the old threads on interview questions:
"valid include formats in C":

"tricky questions and ansers on 8051":

microcontroller 8051 interview questions

Hmm.. More than 80 views but only a few replies. Come on... atleast some of us have to keep this thread moving. It'll definitely help people like me to know some interesting things...


Q: What are the factors to be considered for selecting the operating point?

A: While selecting the operating point the following factors are to be considered
Dc and AC loads at the output of the stages
The maximum transistor rating.
The available power supply.
The peak signal execution to be handled by the amplifier.
The tolerance distortion.
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interview questions on 8051 microcontroller

Another old thread on interview questions: (CMOS Questions)

interview question on threads

i think most questions in this 'Elementart Electronic Questions' section can be used as interview questions. :)
For e.g. Transistor vs opamp in amplification circuits:

interview question how many inputs used in plc

can I upload interview question papers here???


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interview questions on thread

I think a big YES :)

electronics interview questions and answers

what is the differences between the microcontroller and microprocessor ?

interview questions in 8051 microcontroller

An article on interviewing embedded C developers:

A 'C' Test: The 0x10 Best Questions for Would-be Embedded Programmers
**broken link removed**

8051 interview question

a) difference between sdram and ddram.
b) difference between data processors and dsp
c) tell about harvard architecture

embedded microcontroller interview questions

Many Many times teh interview question out of sense like if you go in industry definately we prepare d for automation Dsp ,plc and so on but they ask about question Microwake ,Explain Antenna rediation and so on which is not related oil refinarey which is related to be the Telecom indutry any ways.

Explain CDMA.

Q :Explain CDMA block diagram and Explain shortely .

Q:why we use Zener diode?

interview question on thread

How to use a NPN transistor to become an logic inverter?

8051 interview

Great post purifier. Its a good idea to have everything at one place. I understand your theme. I request people posting questions here to post even answers if possible. Just a thought though. It would make life easier. I'll try to do my part.

What is the differences between the microcontroller and microprocessor?
The microprocessor is the integration of a number of useful functions into a single IC package. These functions are:
The ability to execute a stored set of instructions to carry out user defined tasks.
The ability to be able to access external memory chips to both read and write data from and to the memory

On the otherhand, a microcontroller is a device which integrates a number of the components of a microprocessor system onto a single microchip.

So a microcontroller combines onto the same microchip :
The CPU core
Memory (both ROM and RAM)
Some parallel digital I/O

Most microcontrollers will also combine other devices such as:
A Timer module to allow the microcontroller to perform tasks for certain time periods.
A serial I/O port to allow data to flow between the microcontroller and other devices such as a PC or another microcontroller.
An ADC to allow the microcontroller to accept analogue input data for processing.

Difference between sdram and ddram
SD Ram is actually SDR SDRAM, and DD Ram is actually DDR SDRAM, though the former does not usually have the SDR in front of it. The letters SDR and DDR stand for Single Data Rate and Double Data Rate, and the letters SDRAM stand for Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory. The main difference between SDR and DDR memory is speed. There are a lot of little differences, but the main one (IMHO) that affects the user is speed: DDR can transfer data at roughly twice the speed of SDR. More speedy data rates = better performance. Just remember, the motherboard you are using must include the appropriate chipset to support the different RAM types. They are not interchangeable. SDR SDRAM comes in three main flavors: PC66, PC100 and PC133. Each successive number refers to the bus speed of the RAM in MHz, thus PC66 runs at 66 MHz, PC100 runs at 100 MHz, etc. SDR SDRAM has 168 pins at the connector. DDR SDRAM has 184 pins at the connector, which is one reason you can't just use DDR instead of SDR, and comes in many different flavors; PC2100 which runs at 266 MHz, PC2700 which runs at 333 MHz, PC3200 which runs at 400 MHz, etc. In order to know which type of RAM you need, you must know what your motherboard supports.

More answers in a short time... And one thing... If you like my replies... You always have a "Helped Me" button in front of you. :D
dsp interview question and answers

Difference between data processors and dsp
In data processing or information processing, a Data Processor or Data Processing Unit or Data Processing System is a system which processes data which has been captured and encoded in a format recognizable by the data processing system or has been created and stored by another unit of an information processing system.

On the other hand DSP is a specialized digital microprocessor used to efficiently and rapidly perform calculations on digitized signals that were originally analog in form (eg voice). The big advantage of DSP lies in the programmability of the processor, allowing parameters to be easily changed.

Tell about harvard architecture
The term Harvard architecture originally referred to computer architectures that used physically separate storage and signal pathways for their instructions and data (in contrast to the von Neumann architecture). The term originated from the Harvard Mark I relay-based computer, which stored instructions on punched tape (24-bits wide) and data in relay latches (23-digits wide). These early machines had very limited data storage, entirely contained within the data processing unit, and provided no access to the instruction storage as data (making loading, modifying, etc. of programs entirely an offline process).

More answers in a short time... And one thing... If you like my replies... You always have a "Helped Me" button in front o:Df you.
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    syeda amna

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interview questions 8051 microcontroller

and do you smoke ???

only when i have burned a bit and been blown out !

youll then get the job 100%

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