A question about Cadence Virtuoso

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Newbie level 3
May 12, 2004
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I'm a freshman of IC. When using Virtuoso to extract the parasitic parameters of layout, I was told the software could extract just the parasitic RCs of a single wire or several selected wires instead of the whole layout. However, I don't know how to do this.

Needing your help

Hi tral

I used Virtuoso several years ago,so I could only give you some rough hints :roll:

Virtuoso uses LPE to extract the parasitic parameters of layout, so you must have a script file similiar to DRC/LVS check command script file and you can specifiy the nets you want to extract parasitic RC parameters.

For further details,pls refer to Virtuoso manual. :wink:

Maybe it's really troublesome for Virtuoso or Diva. But now I think I can solve the problem by Mentor Calibre.

Thank you anyway!

In the submicrometer(<0.35um), the synopsys Apollo is the better the3n cadence, u may try and compare.

I use dracula to do LPE for whole layout above 0.25um, and use hercules to do it below 0.25um.
but firstly, you should get the deck.

u can use calibre to extract RC, it is a very fast and friendly tool

Go to menu bar in virtuoso Verify------>Extract------> from the extractor form there is option Switch Name you can set R/C or RC parasitics

I think u must to write a diva rule by yourself to extract one net RC.

visualart said:
In the submicrometer(<0.35um), the synopsys Apollo is the better the3n cadence, u may try and compare.

Your statement is wrong and not relevant to the question

use calibre PXE for extracting the RC

PXE is parasitic extraction

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