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Why working with op-amps is so popular ?

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Mar 3, 2006
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working with op-amps

op-amps are analogue devices.modern world is known to be digitally oriented.
still op amps are very famous.does this mean that there is a need for analogue circuitry for modern world.

Re: working with op-amps

See You can't differentiate a design As purely anlaog or purely digital. Any successful design consists of both these components. Analog and digital design are like faces of a coin.

Re: working with op-amps

Remeber that the real world is analog -- so when you have to interact with real, physical things you have to have at least some analog. Look at sensor and signal conditioning electronics -- they have to have some analog before then enter into the A/D converter. Power conversion is analog -- it might be controlled by some digital circuits -- but the main power section is made up of FETs and diodes with inductors and capacitors for filtering

working with op-amps

Realworld is analog ceratinly we need op-amp

Added after 5 minutes:

op-amp is mainpillar for analog computation

Re: working with op-amps

for ur knowledge at very deep submicron tech things are again changing to analog.

so analog can never die!

Re: working with op-amps

u04f061 said:
op-amps are analogue devices.modern world is known to be digitally oriented.
still op amps are very famous.does this mean that there is a need for analogue circuitry for modern world.

yes, opamp will for surely rule for a long long time, so far there is no its subsititute for it. also research and development ofr opamp never stop. so studying for opamp will be surely rewarding

Re: working with op-amps

op amp have replaced discrete amplifiers. but still they are appearing in literature an hardly used.what this means

Re: working with op-amps

hi dear,
i think that no body refuses the importance of op- amp. it smean taht a good circuit contains both the electrical as well as electronics components and it also depend on the requrement.

Re: working with op-amps

Especially in analog, OPamp does most of jobs..
Think about a feedback circuit!

working with op-amps

analog is still important today

working with op-amps

"THE WORLD IS ANALOGIC" is a so so answer, because the Modern Phisics demostrated that the nature is discrete, but in general the world is considerated analogic, for this reason, the analogic circuitery don´t disappear.

Re: working with op-amps

To certain extend, designing analog circuits is more difficult than designing digital ones. That's the reason why a analog designer is always more paid than a digital one.


Re: working with op-amps

Willt said:
To certain extend, designing analog circuits is more difficult than designing digital ones. That's the reason why a analog designer is always more paid than a digital one.
you got that right


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