Why it is preffered to have maximum no. of vias?

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Aug 25, 2006
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Hi all,
can any one tell me why in a layout it is always preffered to have maximum no. of vias though we know each via has some resistance associated with it and after a particular no. it is of no use to put more vias.
Then why we put maximum everytime

I think the reason you had understood.

Hi mpkp123,
as hanm wrote that you had understood the reason. then lease can you let us know Why?????.

There r two reason. one is to reduce the vias resistance which is around 5ohms. second it is good reliability

By vias, you mean parallele tracks!
If I am getting the problem correctly, then the reason for parallel tracks is to lower the net resisrance of the track. Also the tracks are mae thick gor the same reason.


we put via's between two metals (which has some resistance), we add more via's to decrease the resistance ( resistance to the current flow) and thereby have a free flow of current in these metals.
now imagine, if u have two metals say, metal1 and metal2. and u just have a via between them, the current flows from metal1 to metal2 through just one via which increases the resistance to the current flow.
now if u have many via's , the current can flow between metals in parallel there by reducing the resistance to current flow.

hope this was convincing !

we use maximum number of vias to reduce the resistance and capacitance associated with them


Hi 2 all,

There is something called DFM (design for manufacturing) whichb has as goal :
Maximize yield
Ensure stable yields
Proactive designs
Steep yield learning-curve / competitive time-to-market
so it's recommanded to Implement contact ia redundancy many time as possible and try to double them

Salam, g(at)fsos

Here is the interesting question: If we want to reduce resistance we could use solid line. Why are preffered vias instead of solid line?
You have explanation here:

the most common type of failure during IC fabrication is the via failure -
it can be due to :- random defect or void due to electromigration...

thus to improve yield we go for more than 1 via, it is a added advantage that multiple vias reduce the resistance and capacitance.

this was not needed till 180nm, but for 90nm and higher it is a neccesity.....even foundry recommends this type of layout style......to combat random defects at time of manufacturing.

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