Who will teach me RFIC design ?

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Re: I want to learn RFIC

The best teacher for you on RFIC would be the books and the websites of the manufacturing companies and their white papers.

As RFIC teachers are still not available so easily.
Above all its not so easy as one may think.
I've been learning and researching on RFIC for last 7 months and i stil have a long way to go even to start it right !

Re: I want to learn RFIC

Hi other than learning all the em and RF stuff you would still need to get familarize with some software design tool like ADS, HFSS, IE3d etc. It's going to be a tough road ahead.


I want to learn RFIC

all advices above are useful for those biginners like us

Re: I want to learn RFIC

best way to learn rfic is to read course notes, do projects, simulate circuits and read papers.

I want to learn RFIC

Best way is to have exprience; neither books neither course documents , neither other papers..
Try and see.
That's it..

Re: I want to learn RFIC

I guess the below are needed:
1. Experience
2. Technical know how
3. Some luck

I am still struggling to do my best.
May if there are any good information.
Do share it here.

Good luck.

I want to learn RFIC

how you guys read papers?
I find every time my search will end up with tens of papers. How could you pick the right one fitting your projects?

I want to learn RFIC

teh best beginning to learn RFIC is to read what others have done. So JSSC is a good start, then move to Steve C. Cripps and so on
Good luck!

Re: I want to learn RFIC

i don,t think u need to know a lot of EM
if u know basic transmission line concepts, matchng,Smith chart
by experience & hardwork u can master
u can user
MW Engg by Pozar
RFIC by t h Lee
IEEE papers
RF microelectronics RAzzavi

Re: I want to learn RFIC


These are very excellent courses for RFIC

1. **broken link removed**

1 RFIC General Discussion #1

2 RFIC Architectures #1

3 RFIC Layout and Modeling Techniques #2, #1 due,
Assign project

4 Power Amplifier Designs #3, #2 due

5 Low Noise Amplifier Designs #4, #3 due

6 Designing multistage amplifiers #5, #4 due

7 Mixer Designs/Midterm #6. In-Class Midterm

8 VCO designs #7, #5 due

9 RF Switch Designs #6 due

10 RFIC Layout Issues Discussion #7 due

11 Project Design Reviews Project due no later than:


2. **broken link removed**

Issues in RF IC design
(NTU Short Course)

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