Which is the best PIC compiler?

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iar pic18 compiler price


I use BOOSTC. This C Compiler is also good & Very Cheap as compare to CCS & Other C Compiler.

Rahul Sanghavi :wink:

ccs pcwhd compiler is buggy

i think the best one is CCS C, now it got RTOS, maybe next month will have network driver! i'm waiting for it!

hi tech pic18 hid library

Apart I use pure Assembler, Mikrobasic and CCS are the ones because of the simplicity.


Pedro Martins

programming examples in proton plus compiler

still "PICBasic Pro" though many people think tht BASIC is for kids...

i like it cos it is straight forward, clear and the built in command is quite compatible to many IC....


css pic compiler

Has functions even for the new PIcs ( 18F4331 hardware PWM)

csc compiler for pic

HI-TECH PICC if you want portable code, CCSC PCWH is easy and userfriendly.

best compilers for pic

I've used both SourceBoost and Microchip's C18.

SourceBoost is a very solid compiler. Its documentation is clear and to the point and works very well, and works with most pics (10, 12, 16, 18). However, it has one major flaw: speed. It seems that long if-else chains and switches with many options bog it down a lot. One particular source file took almots five minutes to compile, and that was what led me to try C18.

I'm currently using C18 which is supposedly better but has lots of irks I don't like. It's documentation is very confusing and I hate having to wade through that. Honestly I preffered SourceBoost. However the file that took five minutes to compile with SourceBoost now compiles in under a second.

hi tech pic compiler portable

Everybody is saing that this is better because is cheap and this is easy because is friendly,

i need to know which compiler build the smallest code for doing the same thing!!, is the only thing that i want from a compiler, anyone has that answer??.

C, basic, pascal, what ever...... small code equal faster and smaller pic for the same application.

hitech picc manchester

there is great software that offer by the maker of microchip PIC that is MPlab IDE it is a complete suite, and it is absolute free, the software are upgrade every quarter. most of new mcu are supported. others compiler as some members mention early are commercail software you have to buy its.
I recommend for anyone want to be an expert the best compiler is MPLAB IDE

best of pic compiler

if you want to know what are you doing ,use c18 or hitech

best pic c compiler 628

First, small code does not mean faster code. Faster code is not necessarily the smallest. If you want to optimize for your particular situation you should program in assembly. This is my opinion, my vote goes for MPLAB IDE and it free.

So, to answer the question, I am my best compiler and you can be your best compiler too. This route requires more time than many are willing to commit.

Good discussion

wiz-c rs485

I have tried Mikrobasic v2.2 and Proton IDE Compiler v3.1 for the same program (of course I had modified Mikrobasic commands to its equivalent commands in proton) … both program worked … but proton codes result was half sized that of Mikrobasic…!!!!

Form my point of view; if you want the best compiler think of it as:

1-what is your background?
If you are a beginner in programming, choose a high level language preferably PROTON or picbasic pro.

2- What application you are targeting?
You will need library that support complex application, choose the compiler that support that.

3- How many pieces you are planning to produce?
If you are experimenting on PIC’s then any working code is fine
If you are planning to produce your project in a large scale then consider writing in assembly for more optimized code … then MLAB is your choice…

Important TIP: do not use a compiler that only few are using to be able to fined help and support when you need them …. Believe me you will need it …


free pic compiler

i begining from ccsc .
ccsc is easier for beginner .
but c in ccsc not standard.


pic ccs c compiler manila


At the beginning use CCS, later u better use PICC.

Good luck!

mikrobasic upgrade compiler

i try many compilers BoostC, Hitech Wiz-C, cc5x but CCS is awsome and the price is acceptable

pic compiler

Is MikroC ANSI compatible?
I think, it's a nice tool, but not really ANSI...

best compiler to program in chips

I use MPLAB and I have good result. The compiler have same problem in the simulation module (isn't real tieme, have a malfunction in the stop when is in "run" mode (not sotop in loop :-(), and other ...) but is free of charge and is updated by Microchip.
Programing in assembler give you the feasibility of compact the code.
Best regard,


pic18 compiller

i like ccsc
ccsc is very very easy

price iar compiler

CC5x is good and compiles to less code space. the draw back is there are no libraries .for every function we have to write code.

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