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Which company is the leader in Network technology: Juniper or Cisco?

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Full Member level 5
Full Member level 5
Nov 16, 2006
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In your opinion which is the leader in Network Tehnology

Juniper or Cisco

I know that Cisco have a very powerful great systems

but i heard that nowadays large firms replace Cisco by Juniper

so why do they migrate to Juniper??

juniper switches vs cisco

You know that Cisco is the leader but prices of products very expensive.Juniper is more cheap than Cisco's.Maybe juniper is more user-friendly.

juniper mx vs cisco

I think Juniper is better than Cisco in terms of firmware and IOS.

The main feature of Juniper is that you don't have to update your firmware (in Cisco IOS) every month like cisco....they release update every 6 months and it's very stable.

In Juniper, you can buy one appliance and based on your payments or configuration it can work as router, switch, Gateway, cisco, you buy a switch it's still switch.

Juniper faces many problems to compete Cisco in the market because most of engineers are familiare with Cisco IOS command and configuration and most of them have Juniper offer to these companies a free training course to replace CCNA with Juniper Certified....

They also build a software which can convert your cisco configuration to juniper (Actually this work only on certain devices)


convert cisco config to juniper

for more information about Juniper visit the website:
I heard also from one of my friend that Juniper has relationship with Ericsson Company which is very famous in Telecom Industry.

cisco vs juniper

One big advantage is with JunOS that you can run it as so called "Olive" image on a regular PC or under VMWare for simulation as the underlaying OS is just FreeBSD...

**broken link removed**

Also for example the new MX series draw much less power than a comparable 7606S with ES20/ES40 linecards installed...

And yes...many ISPs switching their cores over to Juniper because they are fed up with Cisco being a marketing driven company (o;

migrate from cisco to juniper

And their executives (CISCO's) are so arrogant......

reasons to migrate from cisco to juniper

as far as migrating is concerned, take the example of INTEL v/s today's world AMD seem's to provide a much better option than INTEL

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