Whats the best 8-bit MCU?

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gorkin said:
Recently I´m looking too Holtek flash micro... same core like microchip pic16 and low price!


The Holtek microcontrollers are similar to but not compatible with PICs.

I agree, but in general lines is holtek flash uc and pic16 are architectural compatibles...this is not mean same "construction", core or instruction, but the ideas behind them.


I usually use the ATMEGA8535..
it is a good Mcu for me...

widely available in my country(Indonesia) and relatively cheap around $2.9 each...

Once you are up to 64 pins what are you looking at 8 bit micros for anyway? You can get cheap 32 bit ARMs that can run a complete Linux system if you want. Palm Piots and Pocket PC's were made with them. Think anyone is putting out a Palm Pilot with an 8 bit processor anytime soon? Why do you want the moon and stars and everything else in between for features and then have a midget running the thing?

There is no "best",
Choose your way and leave the rest

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