What is the best book for a beginner at RF designing?

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Feb 26, 2007
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What is the best book for a beginner at RF designing?

RF circuits

First of all go through the analog basics that u will find in sedra smith. After that u can refer T.H LEE RF CMOS Cct design its good book and it is written in very simple language.

Re: RF circuits

For electronic basics u can read "art of electronics".
There r plenty rf books which u can find.

RF circuits

Razavi's book, RF analog circuit design

Re: RF circuits

Have a look at this section of the forum index "RF, Microwave, Antennas and Optics" ... plenty of messages of this type there ...

RF circuits

For very basuc Carl J wisman " Rf and wireless communication"
and RF circuit design by Ladwig is also good

with regards,

RF circuits

Thomas Lee's "The Design of CMOS RFIC" is good... Minimal math.

Re: RF circuits

To be honest, I have not yet found a very good book on RF. Several texts are recommended such as Razavis or T.H. Lees or Hajimiris, but a nice complete book on RF is what I am still looking for.

RF circuits

I think that Thomas H. Lee's book is very interesting, easy to understand!

RF circuits

It depends if you want to go for RFIC field, first you should learn analog IC design and after the RF specified circuits. If you don't have solid understand in analog design you will feel frightened. There are many books in this topic. What is the best for you it depends on your pre-studies. n And believe me nowadays, for an RF designer needs good understand in many fields like analog design, DSP... this field is developing very fast, there are always new challanges.

Re: RF circuits

Have a look at " Practical Rf Circuit Design For Modern Wireless Systems Vol I and Vol II ".


Re: RF circuits

Bowick's book is good
Secrets of RF Circuits by J. Carr

Re: RF circuits

how can you obtain those book ? I would not buy it since it too exp..

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