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What do u think about Electronics workbench?

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Jun 29, 2002
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What do u think about Electronics workbench?
How does it represents the circuit-processes?
Or there`s a better modeling-soft?

my opinion ebout electronic workbench

it's a lame program, giving you weird outcomes for even simple circuits.

I also think that Elektronick Workbench is good to become familiar with this class of programms. And it is true , do not relay on its outcomes there are not quite right. After useing this for a while , try P-spice or Orcad 9.1. This will be a great help if you intent to work with electronic design!

Best of luck! :p

Yes it's very friendly but I think it's too bad.

It's calculation is erratic and this is bad for beginner that can think erratic things.

I recommend you spice based packs like

Orcad 9.2
****Proteus**** this is friendly and accurate, I like it : :D

I agree, fairly easy to use, but only for educational use I would say.

& MicroCap

Following one of your advises I`ve tried MC5!

Q: How can I make the sourse with a specific vol tage/current-form?

Soft-interface`s very ugly!

& the program`s calculation of filter out-signal is wrong!

MC7 has been out for a while now. Micro*cap has had a great (the best in my opinion) professional interface since version 6.

Very easy to learn too. Only problem I ever found with it is that you can't set the number of data points in Transient analysis - giving off results in harmonic analysis'.

Other than that, the best overall (I wouldn't even consider EWB).

Dear friends

I don’t know why you say that Electronic Workbench is primitive tool
Multisim2001 is base on Berkeley SPICE core so complete spice in very user friendly GUI named "Electronic Workbench" Multisim SPICE is the best way for you to simulate board-level analog and digital devices. The Multisim's simulation engine is based on the industry standard and widely proven Berkeley SPICE, with enhancements for greater speed, accuracy and convergence. Multisim SPICE also includes XSPICE features to extend the capabilities of Berkeley SPICE for improved digital capabilities and behavioral modeling.


Its unrealable to calculate filters!

2 woody28

I mean EWB!
The received results rather strongly differ from true in many cases.
That`s the problem!

Try to get voltage/current characteristics! :p

i think all EWB versions before Multi*Sim are not good at all, but in Multi*Sim 2001 thing are much much better & it is working good & smooth & more important accurate.I prefer it for quick design & verfication & Circuit*Maker 2000 for some of my work. But i think the most used & has higher USEFUL features is Oracad 9.1 or like

... and in this context of hybrid multipurpose simulation
what do you think about proteus vs orcad-pspice?



In my the proteus is the best solution for simulation and other electronics
testing it is great tool altough i also used circiutmaker and workbench but
proteus is more power full and extra and exptional tools no comparesion
i realy love proteus what a tool



I think that all versions of EWB before V5.0 are useless.
The simulation is erratic and far from the real thing.

Multisim is much better but it has some problems with the libraries, its not easy to import a SPICE model or create new components.

I recomend PSPICE from Orcad 9.1, i have made a lot of ASIC's simulations with it.

Re: Its unrealable to calculate filters!

kalach2002 said:
2 woody28

I mean EWB!
The received results rather strongly differ from true in many cases.
That`s the problem!

Try to get voltage/current characteristics! :p
Hi ,
It is true that earlier versions of electro nic work bench suck.But multisim 2001 is far better compared to the earlier ones.Still i prefer PSpice.
It is very simple and more accurate.

Common guys! Don't tell me that Pspice is more accurate than Proteus
or what ever...
Either a circuit simulator uses SPICE calculation engine or it is a Electromagnetic-field solver that solves Maxwells eqns.
Of course the latest SPICE engine 3f5 is the most accurate.


Electronics Workbench is my best electronics program when i take the Electronics as a hobby.

I start with the dos version 3 as i think.

But Now i think proteus is more interest.


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