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USB communication with a microcontrolleur PIC 18F4550 (18f2550) and host(PC)

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Newbie level 1
Mar 5, 2015
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hello friend!
i have a problem in my projet. i want to make a USB communication with a microcontrolleur PIC 18F4550 (18f2550) and host(PC). i make all the steps that i found in ours forums but not success. now i dont know if it's a version of my software (MikroC for pic V 5.6). i don't know what i have missing.
can i have a help? please. thank you

Please zip and post your complete mikroC project files. I will fix it. I have done a few USB projects using mikroC PRO PIC.

It would be better if you posted what specifically is not working with your project. Does the computer detect your device when you connect it to the usb port?

Post your code + project settings here. Were you able to succesfully compile your project?

I have also built a few usb projects using this controller and sometimes I found that the USB hardware of the pic would break even if the rest of the mcu was fine. Just sharing my experience with usb and this controller.

milan.rajik I have noticed on a couple of threads that you have been asking people to post their projects and volunteering to fix them. And while I think it is commendable that there are people like you who are willing to go out of their way to help others, it is best that a healthy discussion about the topic take place on the forum so that others may also benefit and learn from what is shared on this site (as opposed to simply solving the problems of others for them).

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