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Universal Battery Charger

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I see, I got a little confused while going thru the post I thought the two circuits were related.

I was wonder there could be a simple ingenious way to prevent people from copying your code. In this project since there is an LCD display why not put a display "Made by : Flixls" along with the URL and the details. This way people will know who designed the circuit and who taking the credit for the same!!!

Also rather than sharing the source code share the hex code as most people will be lazy to disassemble the hex code to asm and then go and change the display where by the author is given the credit(though what I have described is still very much possible).

Infact I had used this approach while submitting my college final year project.

Anyways I will try and develop the code for similar using atmega8 (ofcourse I wil have to rewire the circuit as this one is for pic). But still this circuit would be of great help!!!

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Also rather than sharing the source code share the hex code as most people will be lazy to disassemble the hex code to asm and then go and change the display where by the author is given the credit(though what I have described is still very much possible).

Infact I had used this approach while submitting my college final year project.
So If I understand you what you have said Quote"Infact I had used this approach while submitting my college final year project" your saying this is what you would do and have done disassemble the hex code to asm and put your own name claiming it was your work 8O
I have SonyEriccson cell and have its Universal Battery for personal use and it has been with me since 2006 and never disappointed me as well.One worthwhile task carried to a successful conclusion is worth half-a-hundred half-finished tasks.I have the same questions and would like any info any of you can supply.
I put it in wrong words perhaps I was lazy to write a few more words...that landed me in

All I meant was I used the approach described to protect my project from being copied by being submitted by someone else....
My project was a measuring device which measured a device distance using an encoder and displayed the result on 16X2 LCD.
So when ever the device was first switched on it gave a message along with my email address. This way no would have copied my work and pass it as their own!!!

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I see that the LCD looks a bit on the used side :-D

See how easy it is to make the wrong impression, I've done a little more research on batteries and updating the PDF file soon.

Having spent a lot of time translating and trying to make sense of what the document was saying for this charger I've jsut found out if I wnet here
I could have done what Felixls did just copy and paste out of it.

Talk about The pot calling the kettle black:lol::-o
And for those who do not understand the phrase above
The phrase "The pot calling the kettle black" is an idiom used to accuse a person or thing of being marked with or guilty of the very thing they are pointing out. This may or may not be hypocritical or a contradiction
I forgot to add the source code(WHICH IS FREE AND SHARING) I know it's for AVR but the code is in and nd it makes very interesting reading This will give you a better understanding
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wizpic, en ningún momento creo que te insulté, pero con lo que estás haciendo me estás insultando y bastante, por favor piensa bien antes de actuar.

Hace unos días estuviste tratando de robar mi código fuente pidiendolo en otro foro, luego te retractaste, y ahora esto?, vamos wizpic, por favor, sino puedes hacer el código al menos ten algo de dignidad.

Creo que cualquiera que revise el proyecto mio y el de AVR se va a dar cuenta que son diferentes, y si tuvieran el código fuente (QUE NO COMPARTO PORQUE NO QUIERO), por favor usa las tres neuronas que tienes!!

Trata de encontrar en ese proyecto sobre descarga de baterías, carga de LiPoly, etc, no está!! simplemente porque no es COPIA.

Muy triste que exista gente como tu.


[En inglés]

wizpic at any time I insulted you, but what you're doing you're insulting me and fairly, please think before you act.

A few days ago you were trying to steal my source code requesting it in another forum, then I retract, and now this?, We wizpic, please make the code but you can at least have some dignity.

I think anyone who reviewed the draft and my AVR is going to realize they are different, and if they had the source code (unlike I would not), please use the three neurons you have!

Try to find in this project over discharge of battery, charging LiPoly, etc. is not! simply because it is NOT A COPY.

Very sad that there are people like you.

wizpic, en ningún momento creo que te insulté, pero con lo que estás haciendo me estás insultando y bastante, por favor piensa bien antes de actuar.
Felixls first of all on U control I asked a few questions in your topic which you never answered or ignored me, This could aslo be due to english to spanish translation may be this is why you ignored me so I found this insulting. You could have replied either no you did not understand or no you do not want to answer.
I knew I would get a reply for what I posted and I sure did before the topic got deleted there was about 7 replies from others including you.

Hace unos días estuviste tratando de robar mi código fuente pidiendolo en otro foro, luego te retractaste, y ahora esto?, vamos wizpic, por favor, sino puedes hacer el código al menos ten algo de dignidad.
Yes you are correct and I explained my resons for that.

Creo que cualquiera que revise el proyecto mio y el de AVR se va a dar cuenta que son diferentes, y si tuvieran el código fuente (QUE NO COMPARTO PORQUE NO QUIERO), por favor usa las tres neuronas que tienes!!
If you did not want to share then why the hell come on here and say I want to share my project with you. All that you have done is shared a document and photo's and that's it. This could make other members like myself gutted and may go beyond any means to obtain the code.

Trata de encontrar en ese proyecto sobre descarga de baterías, carga de LiPoly, etc, no está!! simplemente porque no es COPIA.

All I said and meant was in your document it looks like you have copied and pasted from the AVR file which I could of done that to start with instead of spending hours and hours converting your document from spansih to english plus the fact that I do not know or fully understaan yor project for the limited information and been spanish. AVR share all the souce code which I stated in the post above.

Muy triste que exista gente como tu.
Don't be the world is full of people like us, I did not want to RIP/copy or class it has my own work, I would of liked to had ago at making my own and learned a lot from reading your code and may be converted bits of your code to PDS(Proton development siut, Pic basic) Has I do not use C but understand C enough to have ago and writing my own code learning from your code and you would off had credits in my code or any published contents
jsut put it down to a language barrier :)

Here is one more link "A multichemistry battery charger" using PSoC chipset from Cypress. I could not find the code on the cypress link because the project possibly is too old (round about from 2005)... Okay I do not have rights to post links... so here is it in plain format f**/
Replace ** with tp... :)

Felixls: I think Wizpic is not insulting, he is just pointing out that you said in your post share the project and the code. When you say share, then just putting pictures and video's is like a marketing project. Hence Wizpic is upset. If all you want to do is marketing, there are other places :)

Wizpic : Great find man... I compared the document you translated, and it is word for word copied from the ATMEL Application :evil: The application note in my previous post shows about the Li/LiPoly charging and characteristics :cool: maybe we can tweak the App note source code to include missing battery types. Also for discharging the battery it is easy. We need another mosfet, resistor across the battery and an I/O pin on the micro; turn it on and keep on monitoring the voltage till the battery reaches the critical voltage... depends on the battery type... Then turn on the charging cycle... that's all to it :)

At last someone has seen my side of the story. I spnet hours converting the spanish document to english. I'ev seen the AVR charger document plenty of times but becasue it was AVR I never really looked that clsoe at it.

When you look at all the pictures and then the video you begin to think man this looks good I want to make one but then bang a big kick in the teeth no code. It's like going to buy a car without an engine in it , Which is worthless with out an engine (unless you cut the floor out like flintstones :-o) so the same goes for this project which a real shame becuase it looks like a really good project.

I think this the code for that document here
I will look through it should make interesting reading


Wizpic : I looked into the AN from ATMEL and also the source code. The code has all the battery types, including LiIon. The Li/Poly charging is similar to LiIon :) As per the AN the only problem I see is that the code needs to be recompiled for every battery type one wants to use. Additionally an LCD output is missing. It is only a matter of slight HW modification and editing the code to provide the LCD interface and also menus such that the correct battery type of charging is selected.:razz:

Hey wizpic,
We all appreciate ur efforts for working on this.


eeye I've been readng through AVR doc and getting to understand the code, I know the code is AVR but it's C AVR, I was told it will be hard work to convert it to basic or impoosible in anotehr forum, But the thing is I never actually said about converting this code to basic. If you get to understand how the code works this makes it easier to write your own code.

I was not thinking of using AVR but using a PIC chip with menu system and LCD based on the same idea has Felixls might even use the PCB for it :p. The way I'm approaching it is write my own code(the menu system is already in place). First of all just add SLA part get this working correctly then do the same for all other type batteries then jsut combined then. You just select from the menu then jump to that routine. Will have to see how it goes

Have you noticed the only time Felixls replys is when you insult him or he thinks you insult him.
If I get to complete this project the CODE will be included FOC

Wizpic, awesome that you already have something in place. I'm trying to get the schematic done in Protel ;-) I would recommend that you use the existing code by Atmel and re-engineer it to suit the PIC, but you will be able to do it more accurately, when you have the schematic. By the way, I was thinking we can use my real-time OS for the PIC (PIOS). Check it out @ **broken link removed**. We need some collective effort to make this project successful. I'll get the Schematics for you all in the next days and put it up here. From there you can look into the AVR code and make the necessary adaptations for our first battery type SLA. We can finally integrate the OS with the code and then we will have a professional product (all GPL'd and let the world copy... I don't care...) :grin:

For those of you who have Proteus ISIS, I have attached a copy of the basic menu selection proccess. This is not the final version of the menu system. At the moment there is only the Nicad menu working all the others will follow shortly. The wording of the screen display will more than lightly change anyway.
Menu has follows.
Mneu 1
Select battery
sub menu1
select charge/discharge(note discharge not yet set)
sub menu1a
set capacity(AH)
At the moment the max 5AH
submenu 1b
set charge rate
same again it is limited to 1.2 (just for testing)

The next stage is to write the charge routine to control the PWM for the charge current and run some tests.
Let me know your views comments or want to help with the project then feel free to help. The only reason I have not included the bare code yet is to save any confusion of which is good/bad versions. it will be once completed :-D


  • Uni Charger.rar
    37.6 KB · Views: 266

It's very intersting, thank you very much felixls
but i have a question concerning the charger.
how did you convert the ac voltage to dc voltage? is there any external circuit with transfomer which makes this conversion?

It's very intersting, thank you very much felixls
but i have a question concerning the charger.
how did you convert the ac voltage to dc voltage? is there any external circuit with transfomer which makes this conversion?

You use a DC power supply, this basicly uses a transformer,bridge rectifier and some smotthing caps. an 18-24V 5amps power supply should do it

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