Unique ID/SN on each IC

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Newbie level 3
Dec 24, 2003
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Hi :
Assume I am designing an IC that will be in mass production, each chip will have a unique 32 bits ID. Apparently that has to be done by manuafacture, how will this be considered in RTL design phase? and how the manufacture will do it?
I only got experience on modeling an ROM, using case statement in Verilog. But since this will be an unique # for each chip. It can't be modeled using Verilog, so how do i incorporate this into my other logics in Verilog?
I am sorry if this is wrong place to post,and appreciate if you can direct me to the correct forum.

many Thanks!


You'll need some sort of NVM (eeprom, flash or OTP)

RBB said:
You'll need some sort of NVM (eeprom, flash or OTP)

I understand that. But in all of above solution, does the manufacture has to program the SN into the eeprom/OPT? imagine, if there are millions of chips taped out, they have to power up each chip, and program the OPT?

I am wondering if the fab has a way to etch different number into each chip during the fabrication?

Typically, at least how I've seen this done, is it's programmed into the NVM during a final testing phase.
I don't think the manufacturer necessarily has to do it. The end supplier could.
No there wouldn't be a way to "etch" a different number into each IC during the manufacturing process.

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