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Understanding OSI Communication from Electronics Perspective

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Advanced Member level 1
May 10, 2020
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I have gone through the OSI communication model and the associated levels.

But I do not understand on how is this implemented in the Hardware level. Or let me put it like this.

Suppose we have a USB (2.0 and 3.0) communication device from my Host PC to a Device connected. Like, from the hardware perspective, I can understand and try to design the circuit connection between the host and the device. This is just the physical layer, right?

How to understand the datalink, network and the higher layers from a hardware perspective? Like, does each data bit or say packet of bits get filtered by the host controller during its processing stage? I know the previous line does not make sense. That's where I am stuck.

If someones says, (for example, take I2C communication) that something is taken care at the datalink layer, what does the datalink layer actually do when they say this or what do they mean?

Simply put : What happens in the electronics level or the IC level during each stage of the OSI Communication level.

How does a Hardware Engineer understands this? Please help.


I assume OSI in general and USB in general is too wide an area to be explained from the scratch in a forum.

So I assume you already did some "OSI in a nutshell", "USB explained" or similar search in the internet. There are many good documents and even videos.
You already did read through some of these sources.

Which one did you find most useful? Give the link, so we can discuss some details.
Tell us what you understood so far and what you did no understand (please item by item, not a buch of questions)


Ok. I just went through some youtube video regarding the OSI model. But since being an Electronics student and all the communications that happen is based on electronics, this question struck me, "How is the OSI model implemented in Electronics or more like - What happens in the electronics level or the IC level during each stage of the OSI Communication level.


you did no refer to a document....

Your question is too general.
Within an IC there can be all layers of the OSI or just one or any number inbetween. It depends....


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