Topic on Analog IC Design

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Newbie level 3
Mar 9, 2004
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Dear all,

I just started try to do some research on Analog IC Design. My professor ask me to find a topic by myself . Could somebody introduce some good topics to me? Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards,

search the forum, you will find what you need.
start with "the art of analog design" ebook.

Thanks upstair. I will do research analog topic too. But I am a digital IC designer. Any suggestion about the research start is highly appreciated.

First you should have some basic knowledge of analog IC design. The classical books are written by P.R. Gray or P.E.Allen. There are books written by Razavi or David. Johns. All these books are good begin.

You can find useful information in this forum.

Good Luck!

i personally recommend the David Johns book the most for you. the information in it is brief but wide, should serve you the best.

As as me, my advisor know nothing about circuit, but I have to find a topic by myself.
//comfort u

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foolwu said:
I have to reply 10 times to get enough points..
time 2
You should use the free download link just below the costly points download link,

I suggest you should first determine which subject to deal with.Then buy a book about it and read it completely,at the same time you can use a simulation tool with the example given in the book and do it.

David Johns: analog integrated circuit design

You can study Offset volatge causes and effects and Noise issues and design circuits keeping in mind LOW VOLTAGE AND LOW POWER effects.
It is really challenging and rewarding.


i just to find a IC to modulate FM to about 5GHz
what IC i can use?

i just say that ur professor is not eligible one.

Do a adc or apll, you can learn much about analog knowledge

I like your advisor. You can do what you want. Just pick the one you love. For me, it could be RFIC or ADC

If you view this reply think about the topic mentioned below:
For a Digital designer to move into the analog design the first and the most interesting for research would be low size and effecient capacitors and Inductors in IC's or you can also think of reduced parasitic effects in Analog IC's. This latter is very important since for example say, you work with opamps, then your output generally get's distorted if the circuit is kept functioning for a long time. Hence think about the way to design more effecient analog circuits which you can start with the parasitic factors into consideration.

birdqiang said:
i just say that ur professor is not eligible one.

Many professors have same styles, I don't know they are busy, lazy or open-minded.

analog first

use transistor as resistor for sc circuit
it's nonlinearity and how to fix

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