The CPLD initial is invalid?how to initial the input signal?

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Junior Member level 2
Aug 30, 2005
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My design is a shift register ,and the input signal is SCL and SDA , the output is the shift register , i am initial the register ,but in real circuit , the initial value is not my want? the follow is my design project,who can help me? modify the file and upload to me?

Re: The CPLD initial is invalid?how to initial the input sig

help me ! i need you help very much!

You uploaded an entire Synplify+ISE project, and gave very little explanation.
You need to better isolate the problem and ask clear specific questions.
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Re: The CPLD initial is invalid?how to initial the input sig

i am sorry .i already upload the project but don't see here today.
i used the ISE 6.2 and synplify8.1 pro, the CPLD is xcr3064xl,
if i don't assign the shift data to the control data ,the design is work good,
always @ (posedge wComplete)
            rSelRxd = wCtrlData[2 : 0];
            rSelTxd = wCtrlData[5 : 3];   
            rSelRts = wCtrlData[8 : 6];
           rSelCts = wCtrlData[11 : 9];
 	 //   rSelDsr = wCtrlData[17 : 15];     
   	 	rSelDtr = wCtrlData[14 : 12];	 	
    //	rSelRi  = wCtrlData[20 : 18];
     //	rSelDcd = wCtrlData[23 : 21];

i dont know why this block execute while power on?i already initialize the wComplete to 0  in initial block.and the other block is the same.
i have another problem.	
when i constraint the MobRxd and MobTxd sign to 31 and 32 pin then the project cound not compile passed ,why? very thank for you help!

Re: The CPLD initial is invalid?how to initial the input sig

why do not i upload the file?

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