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How to instantiate another vhd file inside testbench, where the testbench is used for opening files

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
May 11, 2022
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I am trying to learn how to read from file in VHDL, the vhdl_code.vhd implements a low pass moving average filter, I already have a separate vhdl code Read_File.vhd that reads the data, now I have to read the column data from the file data2fpga.dat, and perform the low-pass operations in vhdl_code.vhd. My question is, should the Read_file.vhd should run as testbench or, how exactly i can perform this, i.e. how can I invoke the vhdl_code.vhd into Read_file.vhd?

Any guidance will be highly appreciated.



  • vhd_files.rar
    3.2 KB · Views: 132

My BAD, testbenches should not have entities, they must have components, I will update it immediately. Thanks for pointing it out!


The problem it seems is that ReadFile should be a testbench, but testbench should not have any entities, hence ReadFile should be a component of a testbench I guess. How can I do that? Can anyone guide me?
why don’t you just take the code from your readfile , and put it in your test bench? or, as you say, just instantiate readfile as a component? what don’t you understand about a component?
The problem it seems is that ReadFile should be a testbench, but testbench should not have any components, hence ReadFile should be a component of a testbench I guess. How can I do that? Can anyone guide me?

not sure why you think you need two files to read a file. in your test bench just implement the appropriate textio functions. And testbenches most certainly DO have components, how else would you test your code???

My BAD, testbenches should not have entities, they must have components, I will update it immediately. Thanks for pointing it out!


The problem it seems is that ReadFile should be a testbench, but testbench should not have any entities, hence ReadFile should be a component of a testbench I guess. How can I do that? Can anyone guide me?

My BAD, testbenches should not have entities, they must have components, I will update it immediately. Thanks for pointing it out!


The problem it seems is that ReadFile should be a testbench, but testbench should not have any entities, hence ReadFile should be a component of a testbench I guess. How can I do that? Can anyone guide me?
why don’t you just take the code from your readfile , and put it in your test bench? or, as you say, just instantiate readfile as a component? what don’t you understand about a component?

@barry, I did as you said, i instantiated readfile as a component in a testbench, did the necessary generic & port mappings & was finally able to load the data into my filter! Thanks a lot for your help, "just instantiate readfile as a component?" This solved my problem!

To integrate vhdl_code.vhd into Read_File.vhd, consider making Read_File.vhd the testbench. Instantiate vhdl_code as a component in Read_File.vhd and connect it to the data read from data2fpga.dat. Use appropriate signals or variables for communication. Ensure proper synchronization and simulate the testbench to validate your low-pass moving average filter implementation.

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