spartan3e ethernet PHY help

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Feb 26, 2009
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i am using spartan 3e board to transmit UDP packets.

The problem is that i can write to PHY registers but i cannot read them or atleast i cannot see any data in the chipscope pro.
kindly help me out.

first of all, which PHY chip are you using?
are you using Xilinx MAC? it has an host interface which will help you to connect with PHY chip.
how do you write to PHY register? if you used MDIO for that, then you can surely read the PHY registers using MDIO.
you need to apply proper settings in the PHY registers in order to get your data transmitted over ethernet.

it has SMSC LAN83c185 PHY.
No i am not using xilinx mac rather i've written my own code i.e i am basically trying to send predefined frames.
And yes i am using MDIO interface, i can write to them but i dont know y i cant read. The simulation is working fine but when i run it on FPGA then no success..

Maybe you have not reseted you PHY properly, or have
incorrect management interface adress.
Management interface of the PHY is open collector type and then it is
much slower. And do You remember to send preamble (32 ones) before register read.
I have spartan 6 with Marvell Phy at XILINX601 board and I can read from phy regs.
(adress is on the schemo)
I also use own code rather than MAC core, for clocking purposes.
Good luck! ,


P.S.: How You are handling UDPs at the side of computer for debugging reason?

I'm interested in using Ethernet with Digilent Spartan3 board and LAN83C185 PHY. I've checked a lot of VHDL and Verilog code but there was always some bug(s) which prevented it use. So, I have decided to write my own code. Could anyone help me with some example code to start with?



i m also starting to work on CHIPSCOPE PRO and i have read the tutorial for that as u have already worked on it can u explain me how to see the signal in my hardware through chipscope pro

which tutorial are u following ? the one by xilinx or some other?


I was just wondering how far you are for this project? I am also trying to do the same thing, and was wondering if you can offer me some help.

Thanks in advance!

I've also spent some serious amount of tyme trying to implement Ethernet on Spartan 3 board. Itried different available MAC cores with no success. Finally, I decided to use Xilinx MAC IP-core, but it doesn't work for transmission in my project. And I just have no time to write MAC from scratch.
So, I'm also interested in some working code, especially for transmission form FPGA into network.

Thanks in advance!

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