Newbie level 2

I was just started 3 months ago to use EMSIGHT of MWO 2008. I am doing a patch antenna working at 868 MHZ. I already did my EM structure and simulations about return loss, radiation pattern (PPC ETheta and PPC E Phi), smith chart but I need to know the gain of my antenna. How can I know gain of an antenna with MWO (not directivity, directly gain)?
For the moment I don't know if it is possible to obtain gain of an EM structure with this software...
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
I was just started 3 months ago to use EMSIGHT of MWO 2008. I am doing a patch antenna working at 868 MHZ. I already did my EM structure and simulations about return loss, radiation pattern (PPC ETheta and PPC E Phi), smith chart but I need to know the gain of my antenna. How can I know gain of an antenna with MWO (not directivity, directly gain)?
For the moment I don't know if it is possible to obtain gain of an EM structure with this software...
Thank you very much in advance for your help.