Sequential Adder at RTL level

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Newbie level 2
Nov 30, 2011
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Hi I am trying to implement code for 4 bit sequential adder at RTL level. I newbie in verilog programming.

My approach is as below:

Design 1 bit full adder - combinational
Design 4 bit full adder - combinational -- instantiate 1 bit 4 times

Then I have dump(please see code below) my input and output to the reg @ posedge clk......

but I am not getting expecting output...............

I am not allow to use a+b kinds of equation as well not have to use gate in my design as I have to synthesized this design in Toshiba library

module rca_4(sum_rg, cout_rg, a, b, c_in, clk);
  input [3:0]a, b; 
  input c_in, clk;
  output reg [3:0]sum_rg; 
  output reg cout_rg;
  reg [3:0]a_rg, b_rg;
  reg cin_rg ;
  wire w1, w2, w3, c_out;
  wire [3:0]sum;
  rca_4c MA (sum, c_out, a_rg, b_rg, c_in_rg);
always @ (posedge clk)

    a_rg <= a;
    b_rg <= b;
  cin_rg <= c_in;
  sum_rg <= sum;
 cout_rg <= c_out;


module rca_1 (sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
  input a, b, c_in;
  output sum, c_out;
 assign   sum = (a ^ b ^ c_in);
 assign c_out =((a & b ) | (b & c_in) | (a & c_in)) ;


module rca_4c (sum, c_out, a, b, c_in);
  input [3:0] a, b;
  input c_in;
  output [3:0]sum;
  output c_out;
  wire c1, c2, c3;
  rca_1 M1 (sum[0], c1, a[0], b[0], c_in);
  rca_1 M2 (sum[1], c2, a[1], b[1], c1);
  rca_1 M3 (sum[2], c3, a[2], b[2], c2);
  rca_1 M4 (sum[3], c_out, a[3], b[3], c3);


SORRY, Ankit. At LEAST I answered, just to say DONT give up.
Some Day, Some Where, Some Body will HELP, I EXPECT.

Sorry but I did not get you

Hi Ankit; I dont know much about programming and less about verilog. I only browsed the UNANSWERED psts to see if I could help.
I can help with discrete LOGIICJust hope you solved your problem, if not google it. what about your school friends?
GOOD LUCK, just DONT give up.

hai ankit,

you said its combinational circuit and then y you declare clk in the first line of your coding
in that clk does not match any argument in the whole programing try that without the clk declarartion

anyways, you have cin_rg and c_in_rg

verilog will create a 1b wire if you have a typo. In some rare cases this will actually be valid.

You really should encourage and use:
'default_nettype none

though this sadly can affect anyone lame enough to have intentionally used an implicitly declared 1b wire.

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