Newbie level 2
I am a PhD student trying to analyse angiography images. Someone suggested me about matlabs. I have no idea how it works. I have a stack of 32 images. I would like to measure gray scale of about size of 10 x 10 pixel area from these images. I would like to measure alteast in three places of that size in each image of all the stack. It would be great if the output is in the form of a graph. Could anyone please please help me in guiding or providing me a matlab code. Many thanks in advance.
I am a PhD student trying to analyse angiography images. Someone suggested me about matlabs. I have no idea how it works. I have a stack of 32 images. I would like to measure gray scale of about size of 10 x 10 pixel area from these images. I would like to measure alteast in three places of that size in each image of all the stack. It would be great if the output is in the form of a graph. Could anyone please please help me in guiding or providing me a matlab code. Many thanks in advance.