RAM or registers for having 16*8 bit memory

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Re: ram or registers?

For a 16x8 hardware I don't know why we should even debate. FF is the way to go. I mean, I know designs that have used FF for 256x16 storage!!

ram or registers?

Experiments with some memory generation scrip show
16x8, FF is smaller than RAM. Area 4000um^2
32x8, RAM is smaller. 6000um^2 (7000~8000 if in FF)
16x16, RAM is smaller. 7000um^2
Considering routability and complication , if RAM saves not too much area like 32x8 case, you can choose FF.

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Re: ram or registers?

Based on my experience,if the memory size less than 1k,you can choose FF for simplicity,otherwise you should choose RAM

ram or registers?

If ONLY the the test (mbist) overhead, you may choose the ram ,and test through the parallel memory test.

ram or registers?

16x8 bit is too small...
Registers is better than RAM.

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