Quick conversion question

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Newbie level 3
Apr 8, 2010
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I am having a little trouble when compiling. I am getting the following error:

"Type conversion (to ieee.numeric_std.unsigned) conflicts with expected type std.standard.integer"

From the following
TYPE Mem IS ARRAY ( AddressSize DOWNTO 0) of std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL Memory : Mem;
Memory(UNSIGNED(Addr)) <= DataIn;

There is other code but I've left it out, as I think this is the only relevant code.

Is it possible to convert to integer type using only "ieee.numeric_std.ALL"

I would of thought that unsigned could of been considered the same as integer?

This is one of the issues with VHDL -- it is fairly strongly typed. An integer, for VHDL's purposes, is much different than std_logic_vector, unsigned, or signed. You need to convert the unsigned to an actual integer (to_integer()). Some packages have a std_logic_vector to integer (assuming unsigned) conversion function.
you wil need to convert it:

memory( to_integer(unsigned(addr) ) ) <= DataIn;

Instead of having to do this conversion, why not have Addr as an integer in the first place?
perhaps if you wanted to concatenate or perform logic operations on the bus, or ever planned to make a RAM that had that ability. Or if you wanted to do addition without having to add a modulo operator. I'm not really a fan of VHDL's integer type.

Well in that case yes, use an unsigned type. But if you only need to add 1 to it and index into and array, integer is perfect (it reads best and is most logical).

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