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Question regarding Analog Design study

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Member level 1
Feb 20, 2006
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Dear Friends,

I am researching my way to refresh my knowledge on analog CMOS design (and RF CMOS afterwards) and to fill the gaps I never touched when I was at school. I was wondering if anyone who is in the analog industry could possibly guide me through how to proceed and where to focus more. I will describe my background so that you know where I am:

- I am currently digital design engineer (M.Sc. Wireless comm - Working now on FPGA/ signal-processing/DSP),
- Passed few courses in udergrad including CMOS design based on Razavi's book (couple of years ago) but did not do any in-depth simulation /spice/layout
- Passed RF circuit design (discrete) couple of years ago (mostly theoretical)
- Theoretical knowledge of Control system / feedback / PLL
- Knowledge of DSP side of Sigma/Delta converters
- Knowledge of wireless communications

Any suggestion regarding the road-map, tools and their availability, importance of theory vs. simulation/tools and hints on analog / RF CMOS industry perspective withing next 5 years in north America would be of great help for me.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long message
Best regards,

I think u have firm base...get hands on experience on designing analogue cirucit at transistor level....

For me at this rate the basis of the circuit theory on transistor is u have any solid state is advantage to know some process matters.

Hi Syukri

Thanks for the reply. Would you be able to point me to where to start and where to finish? like, do you know if I can find a little project (topic) that can walk me into getting a "hand-on skill" as you mentioned? Do you recommend reading Razavi's book and solving its questions? or start with simulation just b/c razavi 's book is too theoretical?

Thanks for your time,

it will be better for you to start with allen hollberg with rather starting with razavi's book.for hands on experience point of view i suggest you two analog books which will be fruitful to you.
1-the book by allen hollberg
2-the book by baker,li and boyce.
razavi's book is only for theoretical concepts.
best of luck

first learn the basic design from allen holegerg and baker.

i suggest u first start with the theoretical concepts with sedra&smith book and then move to holberg

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