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quering IO SDCs in DC/ICC

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Full Member level 2
Full Member level 2
Jan 4, 2007
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Whats an easy way to query input/ouput delay values on ports in DC/ICC? I don't see an attribute for input/output delays on ports. I can get the vaules with get_timing_path attributes, but this takes to long if I want to loop over my thousands of ports. Anyone know an easier way?

set inputCollection1 [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] clk]
set_input_delay 2 -clock clk $inputCollection1

set inputCollection1 [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] clk]
set_input_delay 2 -clock clk $inputCollection1

now after I set this, how to I query the input delay?

set delay_value = [how do I get delay vaule of PortA?]

I'm sorry, didn't read your question carefully.
You can create attribute for each port. And store input_delay there:

set inputCollection [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] clk ]
foreach i $inputCollection {
set_attribute -type float $i startpoint_input_delay_value 5.5
set port_delay [ get_attribute $i startpoint_input_delay_value ]
set_input_delay -clock clk $port_delay $i

Now you can use "get_attribute $i startpoint_input_delay_value" to get input delay for given port.
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hi kornukhin

Thanks for the reply (and sorry for the delay). Not exactly what I was looking for, but a good idea which I hadn't thought of.

I have an sdc with all my input/output delays already set that I source in. What I was hoping to do was be able to relax them on the fly 10,20,30% etc after reading it in and run multiple experiments to see how my internal reg2reg paths are effected. I could always preprocess the sdcs with a perl script, but thats just an extra script I need to run before hand.

One think I was thinking is just parse the sdc file in DC, get each port name & delay values, scale the delays, then set the input/output with the scaled values. Still not ideal imo.

I think the problem is you can't easily query in/out delay values since there isn't a port attribute for them. You can query them through get_attribute on get_timing_paths object, but thats just too darn slow.

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