problem with pcad gerber

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Newbie level 3
Jun 16, 2008
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Hi All

I got gerber data from my client stating that these gerbers are generated from P-CAD.The gerber files are in .GBR extension and drill file is in .DRIL .

But whenever i am importing these files in CAMTASTIC apart from the .GBR extension it is not importing .DRIL stating not a valid CAM file.

If anyone here would have worked on PCAD could tell me whether these files are really an output from PCAD software.

If yes then why this extension .DRIL is not importing in CAMTASTIC(even PCAD is now owned by ALTIUM),please help me to import these files on CAMTASTIC or any gerber editor tool.

If anyone could provide ith steps to follow that would be wonderful.


Extension are correct: Normally Gerber files has GBR and Drill files has DRL extension. If these are exported correctly, they should be open in CAMTASTIC. Try GerbTool, if you have one or send /upload so that we can check.


Hi Ankan,
I think nowadays you have to generate NC drill & these is a collection of coordinates, you can check it in some editor as i.e. note pad... In all cases my PCB vendors works all only with "NC-Drill".
But you can (of course) generate a Drill-file too in PCAD_ you need to go: Export GBR > set up output files, add "Drl" (or some similar/others named) layer as output file.
BUT you must set in smaller window(writen in blue) by "Drill Symboles": and than (usually) click on "All Holes"(or other selection) too
These IS ALL
After all Import pls Gerber (into your open PCAD PCB Design_you DONT NEED SOME EXTRA VIEWER!_ you can select than the to viewing wished file(s) from the GBR folder...
Click on import OK, & you will see your old style drill file yet
(as a over layer on your PCB)
Be CARE, as knowed, after checking in PCB the GBR/DRL files PLEASE DONT SAVE THE SITUATION= it will BLOWS UP your couple of 100KBytes design up to 20-30MBytes_or more)!!_you must loss it...

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