Newbie level 6
Hello everybody, I have a little problem with drawing in Protel (I admit I am a rookie):
I cannot import devices from library from ftdi's
site (which has .LIB extension) in Protel and I
dont understand part from their guide whish says:
"OrCAD 16-bit DOS schematics can be imported
into Protel schematic capture for Windows.
Before reading in the schematic ( .sch ) file,
create a Protel library first by reading in the
OrCAD library source ( .src ) file and save it in
Protel binary library format."
So, if anyone have library with .intLib extension
or knows how to convert these libraries from one to another, plz....
Thanks forward, Milan
I cannot import devices from library from ftdi's
site (which has .LIB extension) in Protel and I
dont understand part from their guide whish says:
"OrCAD 16-bit DOS schematics can be imported
into Protel schematic capture for Windows.
Before reading in the schematic ( .sch ) file,
create a Protel library first by reading in the
OrCAD library source ( .src ) file and save it in
Protel binary library format."
So, if anyone have library with .intLib extension
or knows how to convert these libraries from one to another, plz....
Thanks forward, Milan