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Putting Dual opamp in Altium library?

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Advanced Member level 6
Advanced Member level 6
Jun 13, 2021
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Now i'm trying to do a dual opamp, MCP6002, one symbol including the power pins. Do you know how to do this?
I can do this easily in Eagle Pro. You just make two symbols separately in the lib...then shovel them both in when you make the "part".

...So now i have got the Part A and Part B in the lib...but it only places one of the parts on the schem sheet.
In the components window, it doesnt show the dual opamp as a 2 part device...but in the schem library, it shows as a 2 part device.

Ive just watched 2 altium videos on how to do this, and none showed how you get the components lib to show the 2 part device.
Even the Altium documentation doesnt show you how to do this....

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...OK i deleted "U?" then re-typed it and now its ok......i presume i fixed this but it seems a bit bizarre
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..I believe this needs registering as a bug in Altium...i just spent an hour trying to do a dual opamp multi wouldnt work...then it did work when i delted the "U?" designator and then re-typed it , the exact same as it was before i deleted it.
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Adding a dual operational amplifier (op-amp) to the Altium Designer library involves creating a schematic symbol and a corresponding footprint for the component. Below are step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process:

Creating Schematic Symbol:​

  1. Open Altium Designer:
    • Launch Altium Designer and open the library in which you want to add the dual op-amp.
  2. Navigate to Library Editor:
    • Go to "Libraries" > "Library Manager" from the main menu.
  3. Open or Create Library:
    • Open an existing library or create a new one. If creating a new library, right-click in the Libraries panel, and choose "New Library."
  4. Add Component:
    • Right-click within the library and choose "Add New Component."
  5. Define Component Properties:
    • Enter a meaningful name for the component (e.g., "DualOpAmp") and click "OK."
  6. Add Pins:
    • Click on the "Add Pin" button and add pins for each input, output, and power supply connection. Use the "Pins" tab to specify the pin names, electrical types, and positions.
  7. Draw Graphic Symbol:
    • Use the "Graphics" tab to draw the graphic symbol for the op-amp. This symbol represents how the op-amp will appear in a schematic.
  8. Save the Component:
    • Click "File" > "Save" to save the component in the library.

Creating Footprint:​

  1. Navigate to PCB Library Editor:
    • Go to "Libraries" > "PCB Library" from the main menu.
  2. Open or Create Library:
    • Open an existing library or create a new one. If creating a new library, right-click in the Libraries panel, and choose "New Library."
  3. Add Component:
    • Right-click within the library and choose "Add New Component."
  4. Define Component Properties:
    • Enter a meaningful name for the component (e.g., "DualOpAmp_Footprint") and click "OK."
  5. Define Pad Layout:
    • Use the "PCB Component Wizard" or manually define the pad layout for the dual op-amp. Ensure that the pad layout matches the physical configuration of the op-amp.
  6. Save the Component:
    • Click "File" > "Save" to save the footprint in the library.

Linking Schematic Symbol and Footprint:​

  1. Back in Schematic Library:
    • Open the schematic library where you created the op-amp symbol.
  2. Link Footprint:
    • Right-click on the op-amp symbol and choose "Footprint Manager." Link the symbol to the corresponding footprint you created in the PCB library.
  3. Save the Library:
    • Save the schematic library.

Usage in Schematic:​

  1. Place the Component:
    • Open the schematic where you want to use the dual op-amp. Place the op-amp component from the library onto the schematic.
  2. Connect Pins:
    • Connect the op-amp pins to other components in your schematic.
  3. Compile and Check Errors:
    • Compile the schematic to check for any errors.
  4. Update PCB:
    • If everything is error-free, update the PCB from the schematic.

PCB Layout:​

  1. Place the Component:
    • Open the PCB layout and place the dual op-amp onto the board.
  2. Route Traces:
    • Route traces to connect the op-amp to other components as needed.
  3. Verify Design Rules:
    • Verify that your design meets the necessary design rules and constraints.
  4. Generate Gerber Files:
    • Once satisfied with the layout, generate Gerber files for manufacturing.
By following these steps, you can add a dual op-amp to the Altium Designer library and use it in your schematics and PCB layouts.
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