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PP-110 proximity reader interfacing problem

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Aug 12, 2010
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dear frens
i purchased PP-110 proximity reader with rfid card how to connect with pc do i need max 232 level converter chip but provided document shows nothing i have a doubt please help me i need vb software to read the code for window xp sample code will do
transmission rate=9600bps,N,8,1
sending method directly sent out after reading
format specification hex data in ascii format
i have purchased from this site Mini Model Proximity Card Reader (125KHz/13.56MHz)(PP-110 / PP-110/M) - Pongee Industries Ltd. in ACE Suppliers B2B Marketplace

Unless the unit was special ordered with RS-232 interface, the standard output format for the PP-110 is Wiegand26.

This is not directly compatible with RS-232, you'll need to build or purchase a Wiegand26 to RS-232 Translator.

Do you have the accompanying datasheet in PDF format? If so please upload it for our examination.

Do not attempt to connect the unit to a RS-232 interface, it could damage the unit, your serial port or both.
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this might help you says you can directly connect to your serial port see page three


  • PP-110%20Man(ingles).pdf
    232.9 KB · Views: 227

You can only connect it directly to your serial port if the unit has a RS-232, otherwise you will need a translator.

Look for the model number and determine the exact interface according to the following key:
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thanks friends but i need to display the data sent by reader to pc screen i need vb software i want to display that data in text box can you help me ?
will this code will do
Private Sub Form_Load()

' Fire Rx Event Every single Bytes
MSComm1.RThreshold = 1

' When Inputting Data, Input 1 Byte at a time
MSComm1.InputLen = 1

' 9600 Baud, No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit
MSComm1.Settings = "9600,N,8,1"
' Disable DTR
MSComm1.DTREnable = False

' Open COM1
MSComm1.CommPort = 1
MSComm1.PortOpen = True

End Sub

Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
Dim Data As String

' If comEvReceive Event then get data and display
If MSComm1.CommEvent = comEvReceive Then
Data = MSComm1.Input 'get data
lbldata.caption = Asc(Data1) 'convert to ASCII and display
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
MSComm1.PortOpen = False 'Close the COMM port
End Sub

advice me i'll do
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What is the exact model of the PP-110, according to the key above?

Once I know the interface I can help you.

The W26 indicates it is a Wiegand26 encoding, this is the standard interface and encoding scheme for these units.

Wiegand26, unfortunately, is not compatible with RS-232.

What MCUs do you have experience with, you're doing to need a translator?

The following PDF has plans for a RFID door lock using a Wiegand26 reader:

RFID Door Lock

Project Schematic

It also has a very good explanation of Wiegand26 encoding. You can use it as a template for building Weigand26 to RS-232 translator. I'll also see if I can find plans for a complete translator.

The only other alternative is return the unit and request one with a RS-232 interface. Of course if it is from China that could take 2-3 months.


    7.6 KB · Views: 128
Sure, I'm trying to find a translator/protocol converter project you can use as a template.

I'll keep an eye out for a project based on AVR. It's not to difficult to decode Wiegand26, the PDF document explains its format very well.

Here's an entire Wiegand26 to RS-232 Project, complete with docs, source, photos and PC App. Plus it uses an AT90S1200, which should be fairly easy for you to utilize.


    2.1 MB · Views: 87
can i do same project using atmega8L i can't find that chip at90s1200 in india . is avr asm is free ?

---------- Post added at 23:49 ---------- Previous post was at 23:47 ----------

can you give me exact link to download avr asm

You can download the assembler free from Atmel.

The Atmel ATtiny2313A is the closest replacement for the AT90S1200, which was discontinued. But you can use any AVR with enough program memory and RAM.

ATMEL ATtiny2313A

Checkout the Tools tab at the above link for free AVR Studio 4 Download.

The good news is the ATtiny2313A, I believe, has a UART so you don't have to bit bang a serial port and use that off beat crystal frequency, if you don't want to.

---------- Post added 23-05-11 at 00:31 ---------- Previous post was 22-05-11 at 23:57 ----------

I checked out the datasheet on the ATMega8L and it should work fine, plenty of RAM, Program Memory and 8MHz Clock.

Plus it has a USART, so you don't have to bit bang the serial port. You'll need to rewrite the RS-232 side of the program, but that should be fairly painless.

Or you could use the first example I posted and write the whole thing in C. Your choice!

pls help me on writting header files for atmega8L
same code above
should i change header file to
.include ; Register/Bit Definitions for the atmega8L
and i want to change crystal to 8 mhz so that
how to calculate
equ T0_period = 24 ; period of timer T0 interrupts
; (208.33us @ Fosc=7.3728MHz & T0psc=64)
.equ Wgnd_tout = 96 ; the next Wiegand bit reception time-out time
; (Wgnd_tout*208.33us=20ms)
for atmega8L
i need formula can you provide me formula ?
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Waiting for what?

I said I would give you a hand (help), I did not say I was going to write the program for you.

You need to post what you have written as yet and state the exact problems you are having with specific code sections.

If you need additional tips or sample code, I have posted many examples covering Wiegand Protocol and other RFID related topics in the group:

**broken link removed**

I am waiting for you to post your program.
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here is my project after one month of study still i could not read my card and display it to the lcd


  • rfid finalised.rar
    77.2 KB · Views: 92

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